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  • Haha, right. You did it yourself.

    I think I'm just lacking creativity. I'm bad at thinking of things to do or planning a project or picture. I like doing stuff according to instructions or plans made by others.

    And I've never really liked showing my work to people I know. I mean, I hand in my work, but I don't like reading my work out loud and I don't sing in front of my family and friends.
    I actually meant 4th grade was when I cried at the movie, but I played kingdom hearts back then too. :3
    Anyway, I think i'm gonna to sleep. Talk to you tomorrow~ :DD
    We'd still be at it, but I quit cause I got tired. I think I went through playing as almost every brawl charachter XD
    D: cried my eyeballs out watching that.
    And I acually have a story too, of why it makes me cry.
    Too long to type on my iPod though, I'll probably tell you tomorrow. :3
    Huh, I know what you mean.
    On an unrelated note, I always cry when I watch the endings. ;~;
    So touching. Or maybe I'm just a crybaby. :3
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