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  • That's for you to decide. If you want your character to hear it, then have them hear it. If you don't, then don't. I made it ambiguous enough so that it could go either way. As for the helicopter, all in due time.
    Yeah. I guess we'll just wait and see what Negrek or someone else says, because this is getting nowhere. On another note, one more e-reffing and I can buy that absol!

    (Oh yeah, those. They probably do! I was thinking of normal ones.)

    (Yeah. One another not, that metronome generator still isn't working. Maybe I need to use a different computer.)

    ((:[ Well, do you have an idea what to write now?))

    (((I can do several at a time, as long as the personalities are interesting. However, I cannot do two characters in the same RP. Hmm... well then, I guess I should just get to writing, then. At this point I'm also considering tossing out Rebecca and getting a new character. I've done so much with her, though...)))

    >:( Well, can you remember what happened?


    Yeah, but that would leave you short on other conditionals. I'm fairly certain it takes a big amount of energy.

    (I don't think it could have scary ones.)

    (Eh... I'm not good at writing. Especially with reffings.)

    ((Ouch, sorry. :| I've had that sort of thing happen before. Not. Fun.))

    (((... I'll read that. Honestly, I've lost the will to post in Sanctic, and right now it isn't all that entertaining to post as Rebecca. I'm sort of obsessed with Tides Under Seige right now. You should totally join it.)))


    Shedinja is ghost/bug! Yes, but I'm 98% sure magic coat (which is what absol has) doesn't have the restriction.

    Pretty sure that's just to make it not-broken.


    (It must be my computer screwing up. It's been doing that lately. And you're welcome! I hope I don't fail at doubles. :|)
    ... :(

    I... can't think of any, actually. At the moment I think of this hypothetical absol as the normal ~harbringer of doom and destruction~. I should get working on Tuft's signature attribute if I want to get it in before his battle, though. He's going to be a stereotypical mummy, with the ability and probably some added ghost and ground type moves. Maybe I'll give him a type change, too. Idk. I think it's only magic bounce that does that, actually! I can't think of a reason why it would work that way.

    (Oh. Well, what about Aquarder for the gyarados? I just made it up and it makes little sense, but. It's pronounced like "a quarter," but with a D.)

    Okay, thanks! I found a metrononome calculator, but it isn't working on my computer. :| What about yours? If Kratos decides to continue I'll e-ref. I'm about to finish this other battle, so I'll probably be able to continue it.)
    Oh. Well, do you have any other relatives you could go to?

    Okay. Absol does seem like a good choice, actually; I enjoy the design, they have a large movepool and even though that doesn't include much support or status magic coat will do. They don't have a recovery move other than rest, but they do have snore and sleep talk. I could imagine myself using them.

    (Sorry about that. D: I stalled Mawile to death, abusing acid spray and then giga drain. I /was/ going to attempt to dodgehax, but rain dance ruined my plan. Have you gotten to use Kairi yet? If so, is she useful?)

    ALSO I have more reffing questions. How do you close a battle? Do you get paid for the round as well as the end of battle prizes? And how do you randomize sleep talk? I'd ref your battle with Kratos, but I don't know how.
    Honestly, after thinking about it I think you should call Social Services. If you don't want to it's your choice, though.

    On another note:

    The next round of the ASB tournament is coming up. And I have only two fully evolved pokemon, one being my sableye and the other being my accelgor. Dia seems more useful overall, due to having a bigger movepool; however, Tuft has a tricky status movepool and not the ability stall (I don't know why I chose that ability, actually). And considering that I used an accelgor last round, I feel more comfortable using it. However, I'm afraid of that being predictable. I can probably buy anything from rarity seven if I hurry and the tournament is late (I would need to ref one more battle and get paid for both, along with allowance), but even then I'm flailing around about what seems best. What do you think?

    (Also, your beautifly has zero EXP. Did you pay for evolution? If so, how much?)

    And has the car started yet? I got the impression that it is driving... just posted right now, had a lot of catching up to do, skimmed.
    Oh no. I just haven't been on. TVTropes distraction. Also, I found part of your fic on Serebii by googling my name.
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