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  • I would too, if that sort of thing happened. Hopefully she'll get better soon.
    Well, that's good that you found her. Is she going to have to stay at the hospital again, or is she just going to releax at home? Is she doing okay now?
    (Oh okay! Good luck with that. I'm going to go shower. So if you somehow get it to work and I'm not here, it's because of that.)
    Yes. Yes it would. Especially if you did that with some of the BBS bosses.

    (Still not working... let me try restarting it again.)
    I'd recommend removing me and putting me back on. I also tried restarting MSN and doing removing and putting you back on, but it didn't work, so...
    ...I looked that up. And that's crazy.

    (MSN's not getting my messages through to you. Presumably because relations between it and Yahoo are sometimes messy.)
    Pfft okay. xD That's basically what Rebecca did with some exposition, so.

    Have fun with it!
    Posted in Sanctic! I think I might be able to get Rebecca back into the story with that. What has Psy done lately?

    I also have a few paragraphs of your reffing done, which is good.

    I was working on that reffing, but now I'm sidetracked with Homestuck Troll Mafia. I'll PM you in a sec.
    I've gotten the actions and damage/energy your battle with Kratos sorted out. Now all I have to do is mess with the statuses and things like poison damage, plus calculate it all into the end of round stats and write it up. One thing:


    ... I don't think I was really ready for a double battle, but I'll go ahead with it anyway. Expect a reffing either today or tomorrow, maybe later than that.

    Anyway, have you caught up with Homestuck?
    Yes. I spent the money needed to buy an absol on Whirlpool's gift but if I ref fast enough I can probably buy it. So.

    (Oh, that's too bad.)

    (I'm not sure whether I should be frustrated with my computer or happy that it works on my DSi. I'm a little of both!)

    ((Have you posted?))

    (((Yeah. First things first, I should settle down and figure out what order I'm going to do things in.)))

    Yeah, I could understand that.

    [It keeps happening. I've just had a shortage of character ideas recently (Beauty is recycled) and didn't really want to think too hard. I probably would! Considering it, I'd actually probably change it to MEOWTH and have Jaspers as a persian; her pokemon would be either marowak or Mewtwo (which would be really broken and I don't like the idea, so), exeggutor/electrode, omastar, wartortle, tentacruel/tangela, and hypno. Zapdos doesn't seem too bad if you really justify it.]
    :P Great! This makes absol much more useful.

    (Have you found a good one?)

    (That's probably it. I'm going to try with my DSi.)

    ((That's good.))

    (((Actually we could say she missed the car and doesn't exist anymore. I suppose so. I'll just get to writing... whichever thing I end up writing first. I have two mafia updates to do, two reffings and also two RP posts. :|)))

    Hmm. Maybe you could summarize it in about one paragraph, making it explain what happened without being too lengthy? That's what I would do.

    [Eee yes. :D So am I. I'm being a carbon copy of Rose Lalonde but this is going to be great and the expy-ness was intentional so I guess I'm okay. Also. Her team spells spells GLITCH for Rule Of Cool reasons, but do you think she should spell out MEOW instead? It fits more in-character, but there aren't enough pokemon that fit her. :| Which legendary? I'm not going to be using one, so I don't really know.]
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