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  • | _| |_| $ + |_ () \/ [- ^^ [- $ $ | |\| & \/\/ | + )-( + )-( [- |_ [- + + [- |& $.

    No, Terezi will.

    Oh, okay. Yeah, if you get money for it that's better.


    ((Oh, sorry! I'll get working on it again now.))
    + )-( | $ \/\/ @ $ _| |_| $ + @ + [- ^^ |^ () |& @ |& >- + )-( | |\| &.

    Coin flip?

    Can you get to school another way?

    (Only eleven now! I'll do ten and then the eleventh will be in the fwee thread. Or my mafia game!)
    < |_ () |\| [- $? | @ ^^ ^^ >- () \/\/ |\| |^ [- |& $ () |\|.

    I'd rather not be the clone! But who knows?

    Five-thirty? That's completely ridiculous. I could never get up that early! Especially because I would probably have to wake up at four.

    (Also, I'm thirteen posts from having 1,612!)

    Luckily, my bus was pretty easy to catch. It was almost always late, and when I did wake up on time I woke up at five forty-five.
    ... At least we found one difference?

    My internal clock never worked. On Monday I usually woke up late. Eventually normal sleep was the exception, not the norm.
    ... You are exactly like me.

    My waking up at six didn't keep for too long. I always needed an alarm clock. xD
    That's not too bad! I often stay up until one and wake up somewhere between then and noon.

    I'm honestly the worst at waking up early. Except the time a few days ago I randomly woke up a seven A.M.
    Great! I'll try to post soon, but I probably won't get it done until tomorrow. Who knows, though?
    Okay then! Like I said, I haven't even started yet. xD Just wanted to avoid ninjas~
    Are you compiling a post right now? I'm going to reply to Coroxn but I haven't started yet, so if you want to go first that's perfectly fine!
    I have a thing of that fan fiction. Yes, a thing. That's how this is best described.
    (DON'T DIE.)

    \/\/ [- |_ |_?

    (I hope they tell her to suck it up. That sort of angst would be fuuun.)

    ((Yeah. Maybe I'll draw her again later.))

    (((Good point.)))

    (((( And future RPs, too!))))

    (Well, it's fine MOST of the time. We could always ask on AH's Formspring.)



    \/\/ [- |_ |_? )-( () \/\/' $ + )-( @ + \/\/ () |& |< | |\| & |= () |& >- () |_|?

    (Yeah. And then she'll stop doing that and start crying or something.)

    Many people will die in stupid fanfics.

    ((I tried, and it looked worse than before. :| Plus, what I'm using doesn't allow copypasting. And I closed it yesterday.))

    (((Yeah, I guess so. But thinking of Vriska mind-controlling Karkat... I like the idea anyway.)))

    ((((We obviously put in references to RPs we were never in, then! Let's find those!))))

    (Yeah. I searched the wiki and found nothing stating exactly when that happened.)

    (Do it, bro! Afterwards we can have a nancho party.)

    Also, what's with all the deleted VMs?
    (I hope not, because I'm going to make a post soon!)

    [) () [- $ + )-( [- + |& @ |\| $ |_ @ + () |& \/\/ () |& |<?

    (AAANNNGGGSSSTTT!!! Yeah, she would. Especially if everyone else got depressed, because then she couldn't let them down. Even if it won't help much, I had to postive...)

    EXACTLY! That introduces just the conflict we need for an all-out shipping war!

    ((Eh... she's almost completely without shading.))

    (((This is completely random, but Midnight-whatever-the-gastly-is= Vriska???)))

    ((((Time shenanigans! Have we been playing Sburb in the future?))))

    (I mean, I know she got it, but when? I am not smart enough for this.)

    (Umm... because you'll be inactive and have a hard time catching up otherwise? I'd rather post first, but I can't write and I'm wasting time watching Homestuck youtube videos [I didn't know they existed until a few days ago! I am so stupid] so who knows when I'll actually churn out a full reply. I'm two paragraphs in and have no idea how long the rest will take.)

    EDIT: I posted! Now go post because you don't want to get inactive and you'd ~love~ to reply. I'll pay attention to it!
    I'm sure you're good at other things! Haven't really seen you around much due to inactiveness but i'm sure you are! And I know Squorn started worrying so much when I fell asleep and didn't reply to her when she messaged me cuz she started typing "Oh god oh god Silver ; ;"

    (I hope so I've failed at being able to motivate myself lately ._.)
    I really think I just needed someone to talk to and vent to ._. I was not doing too well at all so.

    (Damn you life for getting in my way)
    Thanks, I try to be nice when I can :3 Maybe it would have been best to talk to you because I wound up breaking some scissors so I wouldn't do anything ._.

    (...CRAP. I forgot ahh dammit.)
    It's okay. Don't take this offensively but, I didn't really want to talk to you since I didn't know you too well ._.

    | +' $ |\| () + )-( @ + )-( @ |& |) + () \/\/ |& | + [-, @ < + |_| @ |_ |_ >-.

    (Rebecca would AAANNNGGGSSSTTT forever, seriously. And then she'll be all like, "Maybe we'll meet again?" even though she's not religious. She'd try to be optimistic but fail and be scarred forever.)

    That sounds interesting! I completely forgot about Zora's character. Jackie could've developed a blackrom with Leo...

    ((It could be a lot better, though.))

    (((True, true.)))

    (((( xD I'm going to forget them at this rate! Hehe, maybe we should just do a full reacharound and find invisible Sanctic references in Homestuck itself!))))

    ( I was always confused! I still don't understand when Vriska Got Tiger.)
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