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  • (We must learn to live without sleep!)

    [- /^^\ () + | () |\|. | < @ |\| |) () + )+( @ +.

    (Hmm... if only Anna died, then I could do some really sadistic things.)

    (The RP died on page one, so I couldn't even try it out. D: I was just planning to.)

    ... Aryan <> Rebecca vs. Rebecca <> Everyone??? I can't think of anything.

    (( ... It didn't work out well.))

    (((Exactly! If only normal Arylett was as outgoing as normal Gamzee...)))

    ((((I am putting so many Homestuck references in this it's ridiculous.))))

    (Again, it's a Homestuck reference! Symbol for auspisticism, remember?)
    (I don't want to make mistakes, though D:)

    I suppose.

    (And it will be enjoyable to read in a really sadistic way! :D Messing with characters is fun~)

    (Exactly! I had a gardevoir character who pretended to be human to buy things once.)

    Well, there's always Rebecca <> Aryan! And come to think of it Arylett <> Siol! And possibly later Rebecca c3< Psy and Arylett?

    ((Pretty much! Also I'm trying to draw her and not failing for the first time! :D))

    (((I really like the idea of Arylett being sober Gamzee.)))

    ((((It wasn't really meant to be a trick. Don't you remember how they always misquote people in Homestuck?)))
    (I guess.)

    Hmm... I'm thinking shadow ball might be able to stay, mostly because Rebecca knew shadow ball once.

    (... Yeah. We can have Psy AAANNNGGGSSSTTT over his love not liking him, though! :D)

    (Yes! And she'll want him to give her chocolate and stuff too. "And maybe you two can go to a restaurant! I can find the money, I'm sure. I'll find and sell berries! We'll have you dress up like a human and you can eat real food and it'll be fancy and adorable and she'll love you! And then after all that then you'll give her the flowers and chocolate and candy and it'll be awesome! It will be! Yes~!")

    Exactly! Sanctic needs more shipping!

    ((Of course she'll still continue to ship people.))

    (((And I suppose Arylett is Gamzee? With Sayne being either Dave or Karkat? That means Siol is Tavros.)))

    ((((Of course! She'd be the type of person to put motivational quotes and posters all over her walls. You know, the ones with kittens and puppies!

    "Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing."

    Beautiful and wise opera singer, Britney Spears.)))
    (Oh, okay. Maybe I do make a lot more mistakes late at night.)

    I was looking through the movepool, actually! I just missed it.

    (That'd work! And give me more to ship over. I'm just ridiculous when it comes to things like this. xD Although the fact that I remembered her age and lesbianism is making this more complicated...)

    (I know! And if Rebecca ever finds out, she'll be trying to get Anna to like him too! She'll be all like, "Hey, have you ever noticed how brave and cute Psy is?" and then try to set them up on dates or something. I can perfectly imagine her getting Psy flowers and waving them in his face to get him to give them to her.)

    ... You're right. Logic doesn't exist at all! This! Is! Shipping!

    ((Also now Rebecca is bi in theory to go with "you love who you love" but when presented with the opportunity she'll think it's icky to go with the innocent farmgirl theme. This is my new canon.))

    (((ALSO ALSO Sanctic is ridiculously Homestuck-y. I hope you caught up, because the characters fit people PERFECTLY.
    Okay. (Wasn't Psy in the forest? I think Rebecca would acknowledge it- but not verbally because that would be rude. People have their own problems, after all!)

    Oh yeah, linoone knows retaliate! ... I honestly forgot that.

    (Hmm... *Is skimming through the thread right now* I don't really know. Maybe you should just wait, as I said. When Anna wakes up, then maybe you could evolve in joy or something?)

    (It is, but I don't mind! Thinking about it... I think the answer is a yes! And I think Rebecca would the one to squeal over romances, so it'll give her some activity too!)

    [Must... resist... urge... to ship...]
    Great! Now all we have to do is wait for everyone else, plus see if anyone's interested in doing it for the semi-dead RP. (I'll try... hopefully today, I suppose. Yeah, it might be a bit odd. Maybe wait a few days until we get to St. Faspiliere? I'm sure I spelled that wrong, but I don't want to check.)

    Really? Thanks! I'm thinking of a list like:

    belly drum
    rock climb
    body slam
    hyper beam
    iron tail
    giga impact
    rock smash

    Plus maybe-sort-of super fang, facade (pretty likely, unless I nerf it somehow), or gunk shot. Wondering what I should add, though. Think I'll go check.
    Okay. If emergency reffing counts towards giving you a new battle slot (I've asked Negrek about it, but she hasn't answered yet) I'm ready for it any time. (Sorry about you being sick! My motivation has been pretty low lately too. I'm fine, it's just that I can't write well for some reason.)

    I could make an airbender body mod! Adding some flying type moves, getting rid of ground and more "risky and offensive" moves and add some more supportive mood. That could include encore! I realized it a few days ago and it just blew my mind for no apparent reason.
    Remember that Sanctic battle we were planning? (I should really get to posting in Sanctic- I just got unmotivated because everyone pretty much ignored me. :[ Sure, Rebecca was being typically concerned, but still.)

    You know how we were all going to get sig attributes and things? Well, I thought of an awesome idea.

    Linoone have airbender tattoos.

    Have you seen Avatar: The Last Airbender?
    Based on the A&A guide's description of the move, I'm afraid I must disagree with you.

    The builds up as much energy as they can within their body in preparation for some great attack in the near future. This also creates an energy barrier that will defend them from invasive energy attacks to some extent, slightly raising their special defense. This causes the user to spark with electrical power and the next electric-type attack they use to double in power. Charge cannot be stacked and its effects dissipate after three actions if no electrical attack is used.

    Therefore, you can't have +2 Spdef as a result of this move, the effects fade, etc; I list "Charged" in the end status in lieu of +1 Spdef, as to differentiate it from a regular attack.
    It wouldn't have made much of a difference during round 1; you use thunderbolt first thing the next round.
    At least your life is exciting. In Ireland, we get very little sun. Or rain. Or snow. It's just....moderate to cold, all year round. I think I've seen lightning like twice. Anyhow, from your Point Of View, I suppose it would suck. So it was Darksong, not Dark Hydra. I'll pay her back, when she evolves.
    I don't want them all to make twelve posts about it, but a little "Oh. Sayne evolved." would have been nice. Someone did that, DH, I think. Anyhow, have you heard of Musicovery? It's wonderful. I command you to google it this instant!
    Hey, I got their first man. I'm really disappointed about the EXP thing. I got the most EXP twice in a row, man. I was on a roll....Personally, I hate my evolution. I described it as Sayne exploding with screams and a burst of light, and everyone just kind of ignored me.
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