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  • I just wake up fairly late in the morning. There's less competition for the computer that way.

    She does... her strategy in the pits is now officially, "Freeze them solid and spam sheer cold until it hits."

    Anytime when I'm tired is my time. Luckily, I do well at night! That's usually when I'm on.

    That's only on humans (or at least unimportant NPCs). It's more of a freezehax on pokemon. Although an insta-kill attack would be interesting! But broken.
    Which makes it a bit tricky!

    It's usually early morning when the screw-ups come, at least for me. And now I'm sidetracked on posting again, because I'm going to try to ref!

    Her first reaction might be (will probably be) REEEVEEENGE, but of course AAANGST would be fun to write. With easy disabling (freezehax whoo), it won't take that long before she can think.
    It is, but if you interpret it as uncaring, then it fits. ... They're almost the same thing in song form, aren't they. :/

    Exactly. Not too happy, but calm. I only have one post to psychoanalyze right now, so maybe I'll start working on another. Yesterday I accidently messed everything up and got confused... I woke up and clicked on the second page instead of the first, because I miscalculated how many posts there were. And then it went to reread it and then just got more scrambled. :|

    Yeah. Nothing bad's happened so far, so we have no idea how they'd react. My guess for Breeze's first reaction is "freeze first, think later," but obviously that can change.
    I know. Case in point: I found a new sad one. Well, not exactly sad. Might fit the bill for normal if you squint!

    Makes sense. I think I'll make the Snowpeak Ruins "bored/curious" and the Twilight Realm one sad/depressed. And while this isn't exactly happy, the Sacred Grove theme fits well for that, don't you think? She isn't carefree, so I'd say the song works well with that. And if my theme songs are going to be an indication of anything, I better start toning down the rage...

    You did. Which is good, because if you didn't I probably would've felt compelled to use that instead of something more fitting. I don't think Breeze would really ever be in enough DESPAIR for that to fit. I think.
    ... I forgot angry. Oh well! That won't be too hard to fill, considering how many Zelda songs could fit that description~

    Hmm... it seems more determined than angry to me. And from fifty seconds to a minute and fifteen seconds, it's almost like a happy or love song. Not that an angry song can't have high points... not entirely sure about that. With him being proud, though, I can definitely see it fitting. Great song; may or may not be what you're looking for. *Shrug*

    Also, just found this. I suck horribly at Zelda, but now I seriously want to play it again. It might fit better than the Oath to Order, and thinking about it wouldn't it be interesting for all of her songs to come from Twilight Princess?
    And after listening to them nonstop for a while, I've concluded that I like it better as well. That's both sad and normal, now I just have to think of happy and love.

    Seems pretty upbeat! It'll work as a happy song, if you think that's what his happy mood is actually like. Don't really know him that well as a character yet (probably should get to posting with Breeze now), but it certainly seems optimistic. Like a work montage, getting things done quickly and smoothly.
    Good! Thanks. What about Snowpeak Mountain (Twilight Princess)? It's almost as sad as Oath to Order, but I think it might be able to symbolize not caring. I think. This one is less sad, and probably more fitting, but I'm not sure.

    I could try to help you out with picking the songs. At the very least I'll leave Final Fantasy alone. xD
    Hey, how does Oath To Order (from Majora's Mask) sound for Breeze's normal/sad theme?

    I have no idea what her themes should be, really. I have a feeling if I wait then everyone will post all the good Zelda songs, though.
    It was a small unofficial fansite of the Pendragon Series. At the time it was Veego_Laberge's Unofficial Pendragon Forum. The admin didn't know the account was that guy's. I was made a mod at around the same time. Actually I foresaw this guy being another alternate account of the same guy.
    The worst troll I've seen ended up having four accounts, the admin made one of them a mod, and he deleted the entire forum. Minus like, the announcements, I think.
    I'm thinking they were all the same person. Which would mean it's a relatively juvenile, yet somewhat intelligent troll.
    I gotta say, the fanfic idea was soemthing I haven't seen before. And they pulled it off reasonably well. It was consistent, at least. They didn't break character or anything.
    I was trying that. Also conforming to their stories. It's riskier, because an experienced troll can catch you up in something embarrassing, but at the very least adopting their manner of speech or dissection of small details is usually effective.

    You can read the VMs if you like, i think the conversation is still viewable
    I was trying to countertroll via VM, but ReturnoftheKing was actually a decent troll. It was hard to say anything that meant something without looking like a dumbass.
    hahahaha I love trolls. I hate them because of what they were attacking Squorn about, but the troll in me can't help but appreciate their style. Still, they deserve to rot in hell. You can't do that to someone whose entire family just died.
    Haha seriously? I thought I looked over the whole list. XD I felt weird thinking that I posted a list a month early, I must look ridiculous if epople think it's six months off ahehe
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