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  • Heya, man. It would seem you're back in the Reffing fold. I just have a little match with Blacktitress to remind you of :D
    Especially because Breeze wouldn't have it. xD (Oh. I find Rebecca more similar to her, but gardenGnostic is pretty similar.)

    Well, I see it now. I think it only exists with text. Not sure, though.

    They could, but it's not as bad as magmortar.

    Plus, it seems that nobody listened to Rebecca >_> Her idea not taking is fine, but I didn't even get a reaction from anyone.


    So I suppose that's why you didn't join the Troll mafia? It filled up really quickly, anyway.
    Exactly! And happy for the one who won. (GardenGnostic? Exactly! :D Though I purrsonally found her much more similar to arsenicCatnip, if she's appeared yet.)

    Oh. I'd look at it myself, but I'm using my DSi right now.

    I like electivire! Sure, electabuzz was fine by itself, but the design isn't that bad.

    Um... post? I have no idea, sorry. :(


    Okay then. I was horrible with spoilers myself, so.

    Yep! PMing you soon.
    Rebecca wouldn't care, really.

    I remember the phase, but can't quite recall what the image (if any) looked like.

    Pffthaha. I suppose.



    Do you want to know?

    Okay then! This'll be fun.
    Exactly. She sort of liked fighting! Except when she lost.

    ... The animated sprite isn't much better either. CONFOUND THESE SPRITES, THEY DRIVE ME TO DRAW.

    If you say so.

    :| As well. Urgh, I'll wait a little while and maybe try to revive it.


    Oh. Also, sorry for the semi-spoilers in the mafia signup thread.

    Anyway! We have out-of-thread communication in this game; want to create an alliance?
    Of course. Mostly her reason for not wanting to help people out of the pits is that she got out on her own, though.

    To make it not mandatory, I'll alert you to the fact that I'm actually going to try to screencap a part of the animation from White. Not on the game, of course, but I don't really like the standing up sprites.

    He looks silly! And in a bad way, too.

    I feel kind of bad, intentionally not posting because there's nothing there...


    Then it introduces some very awesome characters.
    Yep, that works.

    Thanks, I suppose.

    It... depends. Budew is okay and roserade is awesome, but probopass, lickilicky and magmortar are pretty bad.

    Yeah. I hope that doesn't die.

    Oh. Well, still.

    Hmm. It gets much better and longer around act four.

    EDIT: The internet is working again! Zanarkind is an awesome song, and less sad than Midna's Lament in my opinion.
    Oh! Well then, normal slightly deep and raspy voice with growls and purrs interjected at random (really has nothing to do with his mood) moments?

    Urgh, can't get her skinny enough. Maybe I should try a different pose...

    I know! Those are great.

    <_< Well then, we should have a battle that's too bad.

    I mean using the fact that she made up several different stories.

    Are they in Sburb? Get to act five soon please, that's when it gets awesome.
    Okay. (Hmm... generic proud LION VOICE?)

    Good idea. Maybe once my artistic skills improve, but right now I'm starting on a sprite.

    Exactly. Buneary was pretty cool (first pokemon I got pokerus on; I was so freaked out at the time), gallade is interesting and so is gliscor. Plus, porygon-Z and froslass are great.


    Yeah, I wish they could just use that as evidence.

    That's great! Where are you?
    Not yet, though I do have some details worked out. (I think Breeze would have a low, slightly raspy voice for some reason; what do you think?)

    I tried to draw a glaceon once, though it was a while ago. It didn't turn out well, to say the least.

    I never got Platinum, honestly. I had Pearl, though, and at the time I was rather ambivalent about the designs (still hate the starters and many others, beginning to warm up to shinx + evolutions, vespiquen and the rest), and when it lost along with one of my Soulsilvers in a stupid incident I never bought another one.

    Why's that?

    Pretty much; she looks horribly guilty. I guess they didn't really have concrete proof, though. Too bad they couldn't find more.

    My internet has gotten ungodly slow for some reason and it's not loading but I love Midna's Lament! Can't really compare right now but good choice in songs.

    Eh, yeah.

    Leafeon looks weird! (Okay that sounds stupid but still.) I don't know, all I can imagine is it being an ugly wrinkled hairless cat.

    I know. Don't remember having it done to me in ASB yet, but looking at some other battles people seem to be horrendously unlucky.

    She did? Never was really involved in the case but from what I saw she seemed pretty guilty. Not really sure what to say about that...
    Fixed. It was F because I copypasted the format of the form from a previous person whose character was F. You also didn't notice that I had Luxio down. I corrected it.

    That's a good point! I'm feeling really sort of unmotivated and lazy about the RP though, sadly. I feel like it might die. Like this time, it might not make it to five months... we've had so many losses to inactivity and people dying off left and right and people quitting.

    Tackle's never really missed that much on me, strangely... hmm. Maybe it likes weak attacks.

    No, wait! Sora's the Emolga, and Roxas is a Pikachu. Since, it's part Flying-type. And Pikachu sort of seems more down to earth whilst Emolga is more hyperactive. I'll think of something for Naminé later. Oh and it's Vexen. He's a he. The only female member of the Org, not counting Xion, is Larxene. A Glalie could work for him, because he has an ice shield that sort of looks like one.

    Aaand you're in! Ah, it's gonna be fun.
    Exactly! Rivalries are fun~

    It is, but at least I don't have to bother to scan it. Plus, I can erase everything I do.

    Espeon is great, but my least favorite is either vaporeon or leafeon.

    Okay, then. I was surprised myself!
    Maybe we could get some interactions together?

    ... Oh. Yeah, I'm thinking it'd be easier just to draw, but spriting will require less effort. :P

    Pretty much. I like jolteon, but not as much as some of the other eeveelutions.

    Well, it's posted. Don't like it much, though.
    Yep. Looks interesting.

    And see, you don't suck at art! I might do a sprite of Breeze, but she's not that different and I'm not sure how to illustrate her properly in a sprite.

    :/ Yeah, those sucked. Honestly haven't played Yellow as much as Emerald, but still it must be terrible for the slow ones.

    ... Hat me. Stupid typo. But still, I'm not sure about that. Oh well, I guess I just write up the ending stats and post it.
    *I'll get rid of this mandatory thing next VM*

    Yeah... just like Breeze being a jerk will end up doing later. Are you joining the RSP, again?


    Maybe for the finishing move, then.

    Still... I'm afraid pathos is going to do something great and then I'll give him a horrible reffing and he'll hat me. :(
    Thanks, I suppose.

    She does... dangit, characterization! xP


    Exactly! Or slam.

    It's on the last round and I only have 482 words. :(
    I'll be fine. Besides, it's not like there's anyone modding profile spam. xD

    Wait until it would make sense to do both?


    Then you could always try off-type moves!

    Also, this reffing thing is so intimidating. :o I don't know what to write and I'm afraid it's terrible.
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