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  • Sorry, can't. Have limited access to a lot of things.

    I think that would be a little OOC for her. She'd want to stay until everyone's okay.

    *Fine then, mandatory.*

    Fine for you, then. You'll just have to deal with jolteon.
    You've probably just got Bad Memory Syndrome. I've got that about certain things too. Least you can remember it when somebody brings it up. And ah, I'll go take a look a little later. And probably not! Unless... the RP is influxed by a whole bunch of new people or the old people suddenly decide to become active.

    Oh my God, how could I forget that? Yes, that is SO true. I've had it with ridiculous things too, like Ice Fang and on Dragon-types. It's CRUCIAL that the Ice Fang hits. And guess what? 95% accuracy apparently isn't enough. It's crazy.

    Roxas should be... something that kinda looks like Pikachu, but isn't. Emolga? One of those Pikachu clones because they're the same person. Naminé... hmm... she seems like... I'm kind of drawing blanks for her.

    Yes, but just don't reserve. Have the form ready, and I'll take a look.

    It would...

    Pretty much.

    I'm just weird like that. I am planning on having my starter on my E4 team, though.
    Oh, right. Yeah, I know what you mean. That happens to me sometimes... if it's something that I'm only lukewarm about, I'll totally forget the whole overall thing. Like this one show I saw every episode of thus far, and somebody made a reference to the episode? Had no idea what they were talking about. Haven't read your last post yet, but I will soon. Been distracted with my new RP. And awww. I don't think you'll have a lot to catch up on considering the low activity.
    Confusionfail happens a whole lot to me. I think it just hates me. And sleep fail too. Although enemy survives are also another thing.

    Oh right, I had a memory lapse about Kairi, I'm sorry. Sora... hmm... something that looks really happy. You know, maybe he should just be a Pikachu. Because... I don't know, I just feel it for him. Axel? He's like... an Arcanine.

    Oh, you want to join Radiant Saviors? I'll be nice and give you a shot. Go ahead and start filling it out. The form, I mean.
    Too bad.

    I could mess around with Leo, but it would be a short post.

    YA RLY??? *Stops too* Yeah, I'm really getting bored.

    You know, like leveling him up above all the rest and always having him on your team? I rotate my team, so he's boxed a lot.
    No, sorry. But you're right. We have 24 pages of conversation in just under a month.

    Hehe, yeah. Now I need to find a reason to post...

    YA RLY??? I AM *Keeps!*

    There's always other pokemon, but I suppose I'm just not the sort of person to prioritize my starter.

    *Not really needed anymore xD*
    I think we should stop the brackets now. It's pretty pointless anyway. XD But that's a good point! Although I sometimes forget... like little things that people bring up and stuff. I only remember the overall thing. Well, some people are just... named random things and they're not even related to them at all! So that could've just been a random name he found amusing or something. Yeah, we will... with a few people away and such... it's a bit harder. And now Stormecho's left... the RP's on really low activity at the moment. But I'm sure you'll figure something out! It's hard for a lot of people to manage their second character.

    Or maybe to make the game harder? And well, that's just a generalization. Them killing themselves in confusion IS possible, but much more improbable than your player-controlled Pokémon.

    Hmm... I'm a bit baffed myself. Riku seems like he'd be an Umbreon or something. And Sora? Some sort of... Flying-type that looks like it'd be a mascot to a game. A charismatic one. Kairi would be something flowery, girly, and probably pink.



    I don't think it'd be worth it. Besides, it's not like he can get a ground eeveelution.






    For one or two battles?

    I was sort of ambiguous. Sorry.

    I do.

    Well, you only have one day...



    You'd need it if you lost the first few times.

    No, I mean inserting her into the RSP!

    Am I even allowed to do that without them asking? Anyway, I'll make it a priority to do something tonight. Not sure what.

    :( Well then, get active now?


    *INSTISTING x999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999901 COMBO!*

    I know! I was looking forward to that...

    Ummmm... my first real reffing being a double battle with Kratos Aurion??? No thanks; way too intimidating. I mean, I suppose if you really want it (and could ref one of mine, hint hint? :3), but if you have something else that would be better.

    Also, I'm back now (quicker than I thought!)~

    YA RLY1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *INSISTING x1234567890 COMBO!*

    Maybe someone should make a hack where he has the disadvantage. And beats you anyway. xD

    Mostly from my very first RP (she barely was a character at all), but yeah I don't love ~every single one~ of my characters. ... I can't make an RSP angst!Rebecca. AAANNNGGGSSSTTT ;_;

    You making it would be interesting, though!

    Maybe today! Feeling lazy, though.

    ... I did?!!! :D Yes! Internet has been hard to reach (can only use my phone right now), so I didn't have time to check until now, but yes! Thanks for telling me~

    YA RLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *INSISTING x13 CoMBO!*

    He was! So arrogant, always type advantaging your starter...

    Well, I disdain some of my earliest creations. However, I'm looking forward to a rsp angst Rebecca.

    I'm going to try some on Monday.

    I am very tricky with my words. :P

    (That's... really odd. But sometimes good for replaying games again and again! Which is what I do. I replay them a lot, so I'd like to sort of forget sometimes the plot so I could be shocked. Oh and yeah, the picture... escaped my memory. XD I totally forgot about it, so I just took your avvie as evidence. And yeah, there was a dude named Male Gardevoir here. Probably under a different name now. Had a thing for male Gardevoirs. It's okay, I can't even manipulate the environment in Sanctic which is why I encourage other people to do it. Although there seems to be some inactivity again... bah!)

    (True, the RNG could just hate your guts. Dragons are sort of cheating bastards in the first place and the AI is also a bit of a cheating bastard. Especially in regards to confusion and how the AI never gets hurt by it, but you do like every round.)

    (:> A Beautifly is an appropriate Pokémon for Kairi. What about the other characters, you think?)
    YA RLY!


    Well, that's good :D

    ... I feel stupid that I can't remember who Kairi is. D: Still, I can't help but think of one of my beautifly RP characters... she was from the two-liner one, but I love her for some stupid reason. ^_^

    I suppose so... but I'm not dependable enough to fully handle my own, damnit. >:( Still, there seems to be a lot now. Possibly enough to let me buy things!

    Exactly. That was my zoroark evil twin impersonating me back then. It was a grand and intricate plot to frame me for a murder and alienate me from my friends... you wouldn't like to hear it, would you? x3
    It is this time!


    :O Did. You. Really.

    That's nice.

    Yeah, but I plan on taking a bunch of e-reffings because I'm cheap and want money. Also, maybe my battle will be taken if there's less to do in the e-reffing position.

    Exactly. When I first joined... I don't want to think about it. The only me is the 2011 and possibly late 2010 me.



    Ouch. :( If I had money I'd be like that in ASB... everything is wonderful but I can't afford anything. I hope Negrek gets to approving referees soon.

    Constantly wondering if the others hate you and still remember your earliest posts.
    Yeah. Also, practise makes perfect and stuff.



    Level grinding is boring, which is why eventually I'm going to do a monotype. That way I won't have to die of having too many members! I've already got it planned, with maractus, lilligant, cradily, tropius, cacnea, and serperior.

    Looking at your posts months later horrifyingly. And desperately wishing you could just delete them. D:
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