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  • Thanks to you too! I don't do much with unnamed pokemon, especially in english, and that coloring is ridiculously awesome. :D I don't do much competitive battling, really.
    Actually, that's how it happens to me most of the time too. It's really quite frustrating, aha. Especially when I'm about to move the plot in some way and somebody does something that isn't quite according to it, so I have to adjust everything. Yes! That explains it. They had probably spoken with each other a whole lot in the meantime... done a lot of things. It would be a shame if she was dead.

    (I haven't gotten Coded or BBS. I just spoiled the entire story for BBS for myself because I thought I wasn't going to get a PSP ever in my entire life, but I'm going to get one for Christmas now actually. I understand what it's like to be left out of the loop... I still feel like that even though the only new one I have is Days. Yeah, I liked how he didn't act like a prick in KH2 and was trying to help Sora the whole way through. A secret helping hand, and he was just so ashamed and more humble than before.)

    (Oh, third, I mean Jolt. I'm not counting NPCs. And yeah, hee, that was a big holder-upper. I had to bring the Absol in there to force them all together. Speaking of her... well... actually, I won't say anything, more spoilers, ha. And yes, it really is. I don't like controlling the entire thing so much.)
    Okay. Mine is japanese too (I think) its nature is modest, at level 100, not sure if trained (does training at level 100 give you EVs? If not, then no) and has learned dark pulse, tri attack, thunderbolt and ice beam. Its ability is download.

    My code is 2837 9403 3875.

    Also, would you be interested in either a shiny porygon-Z or shiny wailord for that shiny rotom? In my opinion he's not really a legendary, plus looking at the sprite the color scheme is great...

    I can also offer both a shiny raticate and a shiny weedle if you have it back on a 4th generation game.
    Awww... I hate it when I'm ninjaed too and like, I had all this stuff typed up and there goes some things out the window. And yeah, I can understand that. I think also over the timeskip, they've probably gotten to know and trust each other more. He seems the one she trusts the most.

    (Are you kidding? Days is awesome. I mean, the gameplay's a bit lukewarm, still fun though. I just wish it was on a better system than DS, but that doesn't ruin it so bad. Don't let a few bad reviews spoil it. Make your own opinion. It's definitely better to me than Chain of Memories. But even then, the story is seriously so insanely good that it made me cry. I get emotional sometimes, but god, it was awesome. Also, Riku doesn't really feature much in Days or BBS, so not much happens to him there. He is pretty cool though, and I agree with you that he does have a lot of character development. I really like him in KH2, for instance. He acts awesomely there. Mine would have to be though either Roxas or Naminé. Roxas because... in Days... he gets so much development and just the way he acts, I find it adorable and sad. Naminé 'cause she's just all timid and sort of controlled, and kind of reminds me of me with the drawings and stuff.)

    (I think he is t-ed off because his characters are being constantly ignored. He just seems snappy and brisk. I suppose that's just me though. His third character never did get very into the plot, he just was thrown in there randomly. And hell, even /I/ don't know what's going to happen sometimes. I don't plan this out to the letter. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it goes in a completely different direction.)
    I don't think it was that bad... and yeah, it's hard to do that with new characters. I had an ironic situation before I introduced Anna into the plot, actually. It was hard to get people to acknowledge my first character, but then everyone was suddenly looking to Anna like she was the semi-leader of the gang. I'll see what I can do when all of this business is over though.

    (I will definitely keep that in mind. I think I might play KH2 after I'm finished with 1, or Days. Even though I'm displacing my FFX-2 playthrough. I guess a little break from that wouldn't hurt. Oh and speaking of KH... who is your favourite character in there?)

    (Although he seems to be deteriorating again. Gives me the feeling that he's kind of t-ed off at his characters being snubbed by all the others, seems sort of childish. Even offing one of his characters... I skim his posts too, actually, at first glance. I really have to force myself to read them due to the fact that I give out the EXP. Also, because it's fun! Spoilers aren't fun to know initially. If you knew everything that would happen, you wouldn't be as eager to post.)
    Holy shit, he did? I need to go check the new posts...

    I really need to catch up. But yeah, that'll work! Thanks.
    And Metalos hasn't been online since the 25th... eh, who cares. I'll go along anyway, maybe.
    It doesn't! Probably sucks a lot less than mine, and I've been at it for like ever.

    (Hmm... I read somewhere that Final Form represents the true potential and the power of the Keyblade being unleashed. So whilst in Master, Sora has mastered physical attacks and magic, in Final Form, he's truly mastered the art of wielding the Keyblade and is now drawing out its own power in addition to his. ...Or something. I don't know, that's just a theory. Hmm, I should've thought of that. I guess I didn't at the time, but it was a really really long time ago. I'll probably do it when I play KH2 again.)

    (Yeah, that's what he was like though. I mean... he only just got slightly better when you joined, that's what I was trying to say. Also, the Ditto seems he might be affected too, since he sort of flipped out when Anna was knocked out. But we'll have to see her fate... and Arylett's fate too, for that matter. I've got a lot of ideas cooking up, and we won't find out for a while, hee hee.)
    Really? I thought you had had experience with it! You seemed a lot better than beginners I've encountered.

    (What about a gold yellow? That would really contrast with Final Form's silvery white. And it'd say a whole lot of mastery. Oh, the stairs, I didn't do those. I went to Twilight Town and just started grinding in the mansion again and again, it got so boring just flying around with my keyblades hitting everything.)

    (Way way early? You mean when you first joined? Yeah, he was a bit better there, but he's still been sort of... eh, shaky, I'd say. Like when the RP first started and before you came into the picture, I had to deny his form four times before he got it on the mark. Also, that could be interesting. Some character development... everyone shaken by Anna's demise.)
    Ah, right. It's fine, really. It's not like you godmodded intensely, you just made a few logical assumptions that I didn't outright state. I've seen far worse godmodding, I don't fault you for it.

    (Yeah, I thought black too, but that's... the colour of Sora's typical outfit in KH2 and also, Anti-Form and Heartless, so it seems evil. So green would be a good colour, yeah. I've actually gotten all the abilities before, it just took some work. My least favourite was probably Final Form grinding, because you have to find Nobodies, and Nobodies are a lot rarer than Heartless. Seriously, they should have more in the game.)

    (MewMew's a dude, I believe. He had "he" in the pronoun field before. Although honestly, before you even came in, his posts were far worse. Wrought with mispellings and a lot of plot control that didn't make sense, like constantly surpassing his NPC limit and trying to have a gang of Pokémon randomly attack everyone in the forest for no reason. I'd say it's a lot more improved, but could stand to be longer and in more detail. And ah! How long it lasts, I don't even know. We'll just see what happens, as with Anna, if she lives or not. And yeah, it does seem a bit too early for him to evolve.)
    Eh? I'm sorry, the wording on your sentence confused me.

    (Well, it depends on what shade of purple... there are a lot of good shades. They could just make it green though. Green would be nice too, it makes me take the form a lot more seriously and somehow says "master" to me. I don't like though how you have to level up the forms in KH2 to learn the abilities. That's why I never got High Jump or anything like that on my first playthrough.)

    (You seem pretty fine, and yeah, I hope Coroxn doesn't stop either. He's really good and constant. I think it's more people get busylives or whatever, and they don't have time so they either stop posting or they water it down. It's a shame, really. He's motivating me more too although I won't be posting for a bit today because I'm taking a small break. Also, you'll find out later what Anna's deal is. Ahaha.)
    Oh, I make most of my posts at crazy late morning times. So it's fine, hee hee.

    (I'm somehow just really slow. I can't exactly remember, but all I remember is getting frustrated enough to give up.)

    (You could probably find something crazy like that on Youtube. I think I've seen it, actually. Critical, Level 1, Sephiroth run. Also, that would be pretty cool too. For Master Form. And maybe if they could make it less yellow. I mean, the combination of magic (blue) and attack (red) would be purple, not that ugly colour. Like nasty old mustard.)

    (I think I've noticed that too, sort of. The same thing's been happening to me, although I'm not exactly a new RPer. I've been RPing for 10 years, so that sort of thing tends to happen. Trying not to slip though.)
    No idea. That'll get done after the battles and challenge board are done, and I don't know how long that will take.
    I repeat: that's utterly impossible.

    That would be great. How do you even do that, anyway?


    (Mew is the creator of the universe. Arceus is silly. :P)

    (Perhapsmaybe are youyourself indeedsure aboutreferring to that? Asmeant thas what it rewas.)
    You can't be that bad.



    (Owning the ancestor of all humanity and everything else? :P)

    (Peraybe are youself insure abouferring to that?)
    That's impossible.



    (Well, yeah. But I mean in-story. What's more broken than owning the god of time?)

    (Pffthaha. "I believe I just refresherated everything, and I must concur that you did improvicate almost anything." Making up words is fun.)
    I seriously doubt that.

    Lucky. I'm allergic to cats. D:


    (No thanks; it's fine. Like I said, I don't use legendaries that much. Feels broken, you know?)

    Pretty much.

    (It looks mostly fine. Anna not responding immediately is a bit of a minor thing, though; even though it's unlikely Arylett would do that there's still a slight bit of godmodding. You could easily fix that to say he didn't wait long enough anyway, though.)
    I doubt that.

    Maybe if Metalos doesn't post I can help with that and get rid of both of our problems.

    Yeah... :3

    Well she can't pretend to be a boy, then. She can't masquerade as another sex as well as Azuraine can.

    (Cool! I have an entei, which is good... I prefer Suicune though. Either way, I don't use legendaries, so.)

    ;_; I don't post in the coughing cupboard, but that really would have been worth it. I'd say something over VM, but that would be awkward.
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