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  • Not really.

    Rebecca's getting pretty uninvolved. I need Metalos to post... :/


    Machop can't be poison type or pretend to be a girl like my shiny nidoran can xP

    (But never since... I did manage to get myself a shiny wailord and shiny Porygon-Z off of GTS Negotiations, though.)

    Yeah... ouch. Poor Squorn D:
    Well, her armour took the brunt of the attack. Also, Crusaders are physically more powerful than normal humans. Even without their armour, they're able to take a few weak attacks. Because they're trained to do that. I mean, they DO have to constantly handle Pokémon, after all.

    (The time limits were the clincher for me. That's when I stopped. It was just too unforgiving. Maybe next time I play, I'll give it a shot. And yes, that's what I used Firaga a lot for too. Or just when I felt lazy and wanted to pound the hell out of a large warm.)

    (I can't try Critical Mode, I don't have Final Mix. But I wouldn't if I did. That sounds absolutely insane. Xaldin on Proud's hard enough! Jesus. That's like a death wish. Well, I thought that Valor's level up method was pretty decent. Just hitting stuff? It was really good to level up during boss fights. And Wisdom's was also sort of reasonable... sort of. Heartless ARE abundant, so killing them wouldn't be that hard. But MP orbs would be more fitting for it, I guess.)
    Well, music does allow you to see a piece of the game, I suppose.

    Also, you godmodded. Anna didn't scream, and she doesn't "have terrible burns." Whilst she DOES have burns, they aren't... that bad. She merely cringed. Also, ah, looks like you had a piece of bad luck there.

    (I think some had time limits though, right? I remember I kept getting ass whooped during one with a time limit. And they do, they fall down to Wisdom's Firaga. It just blows them all away. Firaga is just my favourite spell in that whole game, to be honest.)

    (God, on Proud Mode... he was hell. I had to keep using Elixirs and gathering jumps. I think I died four times the last time I played. That was just so boring too, the Master Form grind... a horrible, horrible idea. Worst one of them all. They could've at least made it something like HP orbs or MP orbs.)
    Even so, you still helped. You'd be right to guess that, though for a couple seconds at the very end I was just steeling myself to do it.
    The soundtrack? The soundtrack makes you pick things back up again? I personally don't like listening to all the music before I play the game, I feel it makes it feel... less surprising and like spoilers for some reason.

    (Oh right, that one. I never did it. I always thought those later cups were hellishly hard. And Wisdom was a bit useless, but I liked using it sometimes for shits and giggles, when I was bored. Especially spamming Firaga. That was so fun.)

    (Yeah, that's pretty much what the one I encountered did. And trust me, it'll get you further than the old system! Think about it. If 4's the max, that would make two the default, rather one than one. Or at least, a higher number. It really depends on how many of the Big Four you exploit and how well you do it, but two's the general now. Plus the Macho Brace and you're solid. He'll probably be evolving within the next Spoils Day following this one.)

    (That is true. I think it helped against Xaldin and his hellish lances too. I kept getting killed in that. I love all the darkness/clawing attacks it does because it's just like... awesome and looks cool and you can spam it fast, doing great damage. The only thing that sucks is that you can't heal, but it's a great form. I never liked Master either. The outfit was all mustard-yellow and ugly, and I hate the level up method with the Drive Orbs. I mean, seriously, WHAT drops Drive Orbs? You have to go to the Land of Dragons and keep breaking open those crates to level up it. It's boring.)
    I know. I'm glad we managed to stall her enough for Jo to walk in. I didn't think I could stall her for much longer.
    I'll be posting by tomorrow, some things stopped me from posting for a bit. And really? I have some plans for Liza ^-^

    and I kinda just happened to be talking to her at the time. Her girlfriend was really grateful to me. I've been thanked so much today.
    That happens to me sometimes. I stop randomly playing games/watching TV shows for no real reason. And then I pick them up again later.

    (I don't think I had Final Form when I was doing that. But it was still pretty fun with Master! I liked Wisdom too because it's a bit of a challenge and nobody ever used it. Oh and Valor.)

    (I can't really recall, but I'm sure it was that. I may not be competitive, but I do know what people use and how it works. I read articles about battling out of boredom. Lots of U-Turn Mienshao too. Oh and that's good! That's really good. You'll probably be getting more EXP anyway because I upped the maximum amount of EXP received from posts.)

    (Oh, I love Anti-Form too. It made the fight with Xigbar so much easier for me for some reason, with all his sniping, I never did get hit. And it's cool to run around on four legs and slash things with your claws. Although I also love Valor, because it's just simple bashing and it's got a red outfit. I love the outfit, it's so snazzy. I always use Valor the most everytime I play it.)
    Heh, stopped playing?

    (Yes, yes I did. It was awesome. Although I never got through any of the other cups in KH2. I'd always get through the KH1 cups, but ignore the KH2 ones.)

    (That's a lot easier to deal with than some crazy Japanese guy who uses Salamence and Scizor and Stealth Rock. And ah, that's fine. Just post whenever you can.)
    Because after that, I turned it off for fifteen minutes and let it rest.

    Because it's stupid.

    And that anorexia later led her to self-harm. :'c
    If that'd work, but I doubt it will.

    :c that's no good.

    So hey, today I talked to this girl I knew a few years back! Sarah was a really good friend of mine who eventually developed anorexia and had to move away. Apparently, she's still anorexic and also self-harms, but she feels a lot better having talked to me. Also she became anorexic because she wanted to look good for me :'c
    I hope so indeed. It's hard to do anything like this, especially talking to people via IM.

    I'm not an aunt, and presumably never will be. Hahaha.
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