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  • But you have to do a crazy sidequest to get that summon. It involves lots of Chocobo breeding, so it's not just like it gets handed to you. And you'll need the Mime Materia to do that trick too, which will allow you to cast it two times in rapid succession.

    (You broke your other controller? Wow... and those people, I don't think they know what the concept of "a life" is. They must've spent SO MUCH TIME trying to do that.)

    (Fixed that error with the level. And... hot damn, you just found a shiny Machop? You're lucky, I never find anything shiny.)
    I did upload it... but it sucks. :(

    NOOOOOOO. She needs to ramble to someone who was there. :/ Eh, I'll see what I can do. Vagueness ahoy!

    I suppose so.

    I love kitties! :D

    That's cool! Still kind of ugly, though; never was a fan of the machop family. Shiny nidoran are better. :P

    (Caught that about a year ago, haven't caught a shiny myself since. It was in a string of badass luck in which I caught three shinies in about two weeks or something. Or maybe not that close. Whatever.)
    Sephiroth always is. Well, not in the original Final Fantasy VII. He's much easier there. Especially if you have Knights of the Round? Kills him in two hits. Keep that in mind. Although you might want to prevent the final battle from being so anti-climatic.

    Well, I think the problem might remedy itself now. She's in a coma, ahaha. And I have no idea when she'll awake, but I know that when she will, there will be some changes around here. Maybe she'll even be less timid.

    (...You're crazy. You got WAAAAY too cocky. On Critical Mode without the weapon? Yeah, good luck. Even if you've beaten him five million times.)
    Stop prompting me to art, Skyman! Dx I suppose so, though it was really just accidental wizardry.

    STOP GETTING IN MY FEET. :( Well, she'd never be afraid to do that. However, she needs to have Korris/Aryan to ramble with. Maybe I should just keep it vague? Or I'll just wait until Metalos is online.

    I see it.

    Pffhaha. What would Rebecca be...

    :/ Since I suck at finding hilarious images, here's a kitty that fits her mood, sorta.

    Well, he's dressed like a gallade! xD And... that's very eerie. I didn't mean to do that. :o

    Sand is annoying. :P I still love swimming, though. Well, then! I guess Rebecca will have a swimming buddy!

    ('Kay then. I'll wait for you and see what happens.)
    Well... tall with green hair, blue eyes and a hairdo like a gardevoir? Wearing white (more gallade style though) and basically being a gijinka? xD Uh, I suppose medium-tall, blue eyes and brown-blonde hair for normal. I suck at appearances. :/

    Awww. Why? Too bad you have no clue. x3 Yeah, I think she'd pass on that one. or maybe she could cover it was sand or something later...
    More shortness??? Heh, I was thinking so too. xD Hmm... I don't know either. Are you looking for realistic or anime? ;D Green hair is always fun....

    Thanks. :> Maybe she'll try to drag Psy into it too? She'd probably default to Aryan or Korris, but it'd be an open invitation for everyone. Too bad Korris can't swim.
    I think she'll have brown eyes and brown hair. Average, I suppose. :/ I don't know, though; what do you think she'd look like?

    Eh, I meant more like ramble on about the hospital (she didn't have time before, I suppose) and then go, "Well, I suppose we shouldn't just spend our lives sulking. Let's have fun! :D" and then go swim. Like, starting out relaxing on the beach.
    Ugh. Also, I only have one picture of a possible human!Rebecca that looks mildly good. It wouldn't look like her, though. And in another she looks anorexic. :/

    Yesss. xD That's why it has to happen.
    Yeah. Also, I suck at playing humans. :/

    Doggy paddle? Also known as raccoon paddle? xP
    Rebecca could go either way, but I think she'll stay a pokemon. If all her friends are doing it, then she wouldn't want to leave them. Plus, it's like a pokemon journey minus the training! Everyone leaves sometime, don't they~?

    I think she'll be out in the sun, though. It makes sense and I think she'll want to go swimming. x3
    Same with me. Although I do understand why it broke... if everyone got turned right now, the RP would be almost over!

    Oh well. Honestly still a bit afraid to post because Rebecca would definitely be energetic and talking to someone. Aaand I'm not sure how to do that without godmodding by saying whoever she's talking to is right next to them!
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