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    Ya like pie? I like pie. What's your favorite flavor? Mine's blueberry. Every tried cobller? Kinda like pie. Nothing like it. Nope. Nada. Zip. Nothin'. Super zit. Superman? Lane. Lots of Lanes. Lois Lane. Yes? No? Maybe so? Soap. Yes, clean. Verily clean. Verily. Shakespeare. Plague. Horrible, wasn't it? I wasn't alive. Were you? Probably so maybe not. I don't know. Why aren't you asking any questions? I find this entertaining. Entertainers. Theme parks. Roler coasters? Yeah. Get that feelin' in your stomach. Feels funny. Funny stuff. Man. Funny stuff.
    :( Um... what about attributes? ATTRIBUTES, ATTRIBUTES FOR EVERYONE.
    Yeah... well, at least you eventually beat him. Or are you talking about your KH1 attempt?

    Oh yes, apparently, they are. I didn't know this trope existed either, I just knew somebody who was very trope savvy and showed me it. And ah right, yeah. Although I'm not sure how to... how to do that with my character, I mean. She is sort of timid.

    (...You know what? I'm going to play another game of KH and see if I can beat him. And seriously, that just... fail, man, fail. You have some really bad luck.)
    Yeah. Although perhaps everyone should go unevolved and therefore start with mild confusion or something...?

    Evolving doesn't makes sense. (AAANNNGGGSSSTTT)


    It's not just the approving I'm afraid of. I just can't schedule myself, so I'm afraid I'll take a battle and be a terrible ref and then never update it so they'll have to get an e-ref!
    Pfffthaha. Maybe getting unevolved would be better...? I'd imagine it'd be a similar experience to becoming a pokemon.

    Yesh! And never going straight ever. Yeah. (It'll be hilarious to watch her aaannngggsssttt.)

    Hmm... maybe just ask whenever we see a post from her that came up a few minutes ago? If that sentence makes sense.

    No thanks, I'm fine. I really need to start reffing, though! I'll just try to find my headphones and go into /writing machine/ mode. I need to write up new attributes anyway.
    xD Poor Psy... well, at least he was
    And zigzagginess! But she'll be optimistic about the change, I'm sure.

    Or buy it, maybe. We should ask her.

    ... On second thought, I'm too cheap. Not paying $8 for encore, sorry. I'll try to write something up.
    Pfft. So it's either getting genderswapped or becoming unevolved?

    Rebecca's going to be unevolved either way, I think. None of my battles began after I bought her.

    Well if you're going to buy it then I guess I will. Arylett's sig attribute doesn't include incinerate, though.
    Good, no confusing (for him) gender swaps. :D

    His head is already going to be spinning after getting unevolved to a ralts!

    Would you want to make mega punch an AHBE move? Assuming Kratos would accept it (I don't see why he wouldn't), of course. Negrek wants to know why we don't want to use signature moves/attributes for the special moves.



    Okay then. xD If you don't want to say it twice.
    Oh no, I wasn't at all. I was just saying that I couldn't really find one, that's all. And even if I did, I can't afford the games due to one thing I have to pay that's really important.

    I think it was for the best. People who do runs like that are absolutely crazy, I'm sorry.

    I'm sure that has to do with it, but still. A person named out a particular type of trope that really fit his character, and it wasn't a good thing. It's still not meant to happen, I'd say. I'm not saying that I want all the attention, certainly not, or that our characters need to get that much attention in his place. I just want everyone in the story to each play a part, and be equally important, rather than just one person who dominates everything.
    Hmm? Why would I be offended?

    Whoa, you made it THAT far? That's impressive.

    Well, by fawn, I don't just mean... proclaim love. I mean focus on him. His character is more paid attention to than probably any other character in the RP, and that certainly includes mine. Like you said, yours stay ignored. And mine do too. My first character barely gets any attention at all. And that's ridiculous considering again, I'm the DM. But at least you do have that interaction to fall back on.
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