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  • Well, that's better than the alternative at least.

    Yeah I guess it's never good to make decisions in the heat of the moment.

    Oh also if you can't use that computer, what are you using? :o
    It's... well, I guess I can't really judge the difficulty. But I managed to do it when I was 12, and I was really dumb back then, so... if I could do it, I don't think it'd be hard. Although maybe I'm just used to it, because I've done it on every playthrough.

    (I always thought the KH1 tournies were easier! To me, KH2 is the harder of the two. I tried Sephiroth and I had no chance whatsoever... maybe I'm just more experienced with KH1.)

    Yes, it's a free move. It's just a free move that isn't influenced by anything, once you have it, you have it.

    (I haven't run into any of those. I've just run into crazy ass Japs who are uber competitive. I was looking for casual players and it just pissed me off. But awww... that really sucks. Well, will you be able to post throughout any of the week?)
    Oh, trust me, Knights of the Round is a really good reward. If you can beat the final boss in two hits? Yeah, it's worth it.

    (I thought it was harder to get in KH2... I think I got it once in KH1. Already, the game's sort of hard, but I'll see what I can do. I once managed to get him at least halfway through his HP on an Expert playthrough, so I think I can do it again.)

    They count as Special Moves. You keep them, because they were gotten during a special celebration. Unless you want to get rid of them. The opportunity for more Special Moves will come again at some point, when it's been five months.

    (Hee hee, good luck with that. I'm not good at any of that competitive stuff myself. I've battled with those crazy people... beat the pants off of me, they did. On Random Wi-Fi. And won't you be able to post tommorow?)
    It's not that bad a sidequest. I rather like it. It's sort of fun. Although you also have to make sure you catch a certain type of chocobo. And breed them until you get like... a gold chocobo. It lets you get some other useful things too, like a Quadra Magic Materia, I believe. There's also a glitch you can exploit to try to get that stuff without the chocobo, but it's really hard to pull off. I've tried it.

    (At least... you're not doing that anymore. I've decided to do a small challenge myself. I'm playing KH, just started, and I'm on Expert and decided to do the whole you level up slowly in the beginning and then quickly at the end so that I could get to a high level to battle Sephiroth. Also probably getting Ultima Weapon.)

    It's just I had never really seen anybody use the moves that often. Also, for moves that are learned both by Level Up or TM, you can obtain them either way. You can either get it when you're at the proper Level Equivalent, or you can get it as a TM/HM move. I'll fix the issue with Will-o-Wisp right now; you can get it either as an egg move or as a TM. If moves fit into more than one category, they can be obtained more than one way.

    (Sounds pretty good. Do you play competitively? Also, that's fine about not being able to post at the moment.)
    Hee hee, lots of chocobo racing involved too.

    (Aaah, right. That's good. And probably took them hours... they really did have to bank on the minimum damage limit.)

    (It's a really good thing you didn't get a crit or something, yeah, or accidentally hit run away.)

    Oh, by the way, what do you think of the revamp system?
    You didn't think I would go down without a fight, did you? Eh, either way, good game, I guess.

    Oh, and it's your turn to command in you vs. Superbird.
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