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  • Seriously, don't worry. If you lose you can try a new one.

    I do insist.


    Good luck, then. When I get bored I level grind.

    Because! When people just start they're terrible! And if that's true then you completely avoided all the embarrassment shenanigans. >>
    Don't get disappointed! It's only your first try, after all.

    I repeat; I was bad.


    I will neither confirm nor deny your answer. That'd be interesting, but it would take a lot of time. Maybe I should try it, though...

    ... Whoah, seriously? :o When I first started I could barely type!

    I was bad.

    Yeah, it is. Just saying I didn't really add to it that much. *Shrug*

    ... Well then. What is the RP? I might just have to go through it and delete all my posts. If you get that far, which you won't.

    What is your first RP? I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
    I suppose, but maybe that will ease things...? Or not, because we can't talk.


    Yeah. It was, but I wasn't around for all of it.

    Noooo... please don't. You will hate me forever, I know it.

    The posts were short compared to the others overall, and I wasn't the only one doing that. Overall, everything was pretty short, but I have I feeling I did pretty badly even compared to the others back then.

    I... don't remember, exactly. It was long, and I didn't join because for some reason I thought that the form was too complicated. You have to wait to get rescued if you wanted to sign up, I think. I think it had to be somewhere around ~72 pages or so, just because that's how long my first RP here was. Do not read it.
    It's pretty simple, don't worry.

    Because, I really sucked back then. In a very old one (still love the concept and characters, though), one to two liners were the norm. And two paragraph posts were considered long.

    Yeah, but I'm already horrified at my earliest post in the thread. I am beginning to love this... I hope it gets as long as the Rack Shackle Pack was. When I first joined, I saw it and it was really long.
    It's a vanilla mafia game that you could try~!

    Also, I've been reading old RPs to get some of my muse back. It's been fun, but so embarrassing. >>; I'm sure I'll say the same about these current RPs in a few months, though...
    Oh, you didn't. It was like that for a while. Just the very beginning was fast as hell. It is neither a confirmation nor a deconfirmation. You see, just about anything could happen. I merely said that it COULD be an interesting thing to explore, not that it WOULD be.

    (That's true, but I did sort of read the spoilers a long time ago, so they're a bit... shaky before I play the actual games, so it's still a bit of a surprise! It was your avvie, it gave you away. I wonder what it is with this forum andd male Gardevoirs. And yeah, that happens to me too. When I'm writing, I always worry about either acting out of character or not describing the setting adequately. I'm really, really, really bad with places.)

    (At least it's better tonight!)

    (...Whaat? Man, that thing must've had crazy EV training. Or luck.)
    Yeah, I suppose so.

    Well, first the GM sends out the roles. Then everyone sends in the actions that their role allows them to do if they want to (lover lovers up, inspector inspects, healer heals, mafia kills...) and the GM determines who dies and who else has a special condition. They then PM the results of inspector stuff to whoever the inspector is and afterwards writes up flavor text about who died. They change the day phase and then everyone can talk about the deaths. People talk and talk and talk and then they decide on who to lynch; if they want they can abstain. Also, if out of thread communication is allowed then you can PM other players to form alliances and such.

    Is that good?

    (It was wonderful~ Several reasons, but a prominent one being that my parents won't even upgrade from Internet Explorer and I can't get my own laptop.)
    Probably. *Shrug*

    ... I'll walk you through it, then. What do you need help with that I can explain?


    (Clefairy says was tricky. I loved the lickitung one for some reason. Hopefully I won't need the ROM, because sadly I won't be able to download it. :/)
    I don't know. I suppose there are just a lot of users with no posts at all.

    No it's not! What's confusing about it?


    (That game was great, I agree! :D I wonder if the N64 at home still works well enough to play...)
    I got higher up than I expected, too.

    Mafia is great, though!

    Yeah, but it's still something.
    You're number 285.

    ... Now that I think of it, you should get out more! Try mafia or something.

    I'm pretty terrible.

    EDIT: Darksong and Mewmew posted. D:
    Speaking of things to do for a few minutes, I have the 58th largest post count on the forum. Meowth has the largest. Should I find yours?

    Good point... I'm such a horrible procrastinator. xD
    My catch-up posts are a lot longer than normal. The revelant part probably won't be that long.

    Thanks. I'll try to write some more later...
    A page in word. It's not that long, actually. This is a page long.

    Urg, I know. I finished everything that already happened, but right now I can't come up with new material.
    ... I can't write anymore. ; ; I have a page of my reply done, but nothing else.

    Have you gotten anything else done with the Sanctic fanfic?
    It happened a lot particularly in the earlier parts of the RP, where more people were active. And that thread buzzed around like a beehive, I'd have to check it nearly two hours and give EXP or else I'd be left behind. Good times... But that does make sense. The grudge could be an interesting thing to explore...

    (Oh, I also spoiled Coded because I was impatient. I've pretty much spoiled every KH game for myself except the first before playing it. It's like an odd tradition I do unintentionally. But yeah, that does suck when you spoil it and then get it earlier than you expected. I think just because he had a lot going on that he became more humble. Ansem tried to steal his body and take control of it near the end of the first one, and then he was trapped behind that door. His entire struggle too throughout Chain with there being nobody in his memory worlds... And also, he became friends with King Mickey, and that just made him change all around. And yeah, Sora's ass kicking too. XD)

    (OH! Man, I was so confused. He's mostly had well-written posts, it's just his characters never really seem to show much emotion beyond annoyance, so that made me really glad when I saw that the Ditto actually had an outburst like that. And I think... Gardevoir? That's also why I encourage people to do the plot control, I do get bored sometimes. I usually don't run out of ideas because... my mind is just constantly up and making ideas all the time. But I still like input from others. And yeah... I think I can understand that. I've never really quite written a lot of fanfic, but I do worry about writing my own characters OOC.)

    (They sure were angry last night.)
    Yep, pretty much. :D It's fun. The only reason I didn't sweep her team is because I decided I wanted money (and because I wasn't going to save anyway) and sent out my audino. She was holding an amulet coin, and I overestimated her bulkiness. That does sound pretty great! I'm still holding to the EV training thing and only using my musharna and audino to fiight Caitlin. I could use others (my galvantula and hydreigon-to-be deino), but honestly sweeping her team was ridiculously satisying. I'm doing it again! She's ridiculously annoying to train, though. Despite my not running sandstorm, my excadrill Noir is ridiculously great. I could imagine krookodile doing that!

    I know. I don't always use the best distribution of EVs, though. My musharna probably isn't bulky enough and a lot of mine probably have too many HP EVs from audino grinding.

    I breed for some, but not that many. I have roost on a sigilyph (who currently is a fly slave) and hypnosis on vulpix, but that's about it.

    People who don't do competitive battling at all? I mean not like that's a big accomplishment but that I pay attention to it anyway.

    ... I Don't have a haxorus. D: Nor an ice type! I'm not entirely sure what I'll do when I get to him.
    I'm still not past the E4. ^^; Last time I checked I could easily sweep Caitlin's team with my musharna (knows calm mind, yawn, psychic and moonlight), but none of my team are above level 47 so I'm grinding right now. I prepare a lot for competitive battling, with EV training and trying my best to get egg moves, but as far as I know I'm not that good at it.

    I read Smogon, though!
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