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  • Well, you're welcome to join, but the whole Idea of the project would be that we all had our own "Adventuring Party" of characters, who met at the beginning, at the end, and maybe twice in the middle of each season. So if you were to get interested, it would be a largely solo kind of thing. Not sure if that would appeal to you or not. And that other person is gone forever and ever.

    By the way, everyone Santic seems to be heading for the car. Didn't that run out of gas? Just saying. It's the whole reason I added a Ghost character to the mix, so he could possess the car and remove that problem.
    Yeah, Martin and I think we were seperated at birth, and then I was frozen for four years.

    Anyhow, no. I used to play Runescape an awful lot, but it got boring. The play just wasn't exciting. After playing for three hours, I saw the four levels I'd gained in Attack and said "In those three hours, how much cool stuff could you have written?" and I never played it again. I love the mythology of it all thought.

    One, on the Runescape fan fiction wiki, this user called Berus and I were writing a fic. We were both to have our own characters in a party, that would cross over once and a while. But he got bored and left the Wiki, and I was left with seven characters.

    The only thing we got done were individual character prequels. I wrote one for Cara, but liked the character so much I wrote four more. This is now the Slay Serie. I plan on uploading the other Prequels later and continuing on with the story on my own.
    Clone wise, just my friend Martin. He's four years older than me, but is my clone in every way.

    Oh god no. I'm not going to do that crappy 'Yeah he's possessed so he can do whatever he wants and not get in trouble!' thing. I hope what I've done is a tad cleverer.
    You don't read game of thrones? Few. That's one less clone to worry about...
    No, I don't think the Demonic Possession is going to be convenient. It's going to be dramatic, but very inconvenient.
    Hmmm. I'm go to go with the hole demonic possession thing causing Sayne not to realise that. Anyhow, I'm not sure about the Beserk Button (you like TV tropes too? Weird. Next you'll be telling me you read Game Of Thrones and listen to Paramore and Rise against). You'd have to play it right. If anything actiony happens in the middle of his Beserkness, he'll be taken super-seriously. It's your call.

    Sayne's beserk button is his Dad. Bad relationship, as my previous post hinted at.
    No, I don't think so.

    I had forgotten about the details, but remember, at this point Sayne doesn't know what he looks like. For all he knows, Psy's colouration is a natural Kirlia thing.
    Ah, I'm sure when things become a little more... happy and upbeat, he'll be more so. The story is rather serious. What with all the horrible things going on. And that's true. You have all these ideas and they go in completely different directions. Hmm... well, that'd probably have to be a Signature Move since... there's not really any black hole move in existing in official cannon. Yeah... that's a bit risque. That's why it would be fun! She couldn't due to her orientation, return it. And the age.

    Hmm... that's true. But he's also very calm.
    I can see my review.
    Anyhow, you know my opinion, so I'm not sure how much it matters.
    Yes. It seems that God doesn't want you to write this story. Do it anyway, just to spite him! :D
    Oh, I read it just now. It's really good. I'm not sure I like the whole everyone-evolved-fully thing, but it's your story. And it's been reviewed.
    Argh, I know. I keep forgetting to cycle it through a spell check. Thanks for the heads up.

    Oh? That Santic fic seems interesting. Could you show me when you're done a chapter or two?
    Yeah. Although I've had a lot of previous characters with some pretty tortured and screwed up stuff. (One story I wrote had a character that gets strangled by a hand made of Darkness, sort of like Darkside's hand, stabbed in the chest by dark energy, has a woman with a fiery sword and a girl who's sort of like a Heartless out to kill her, has her best friends leave her because they think she's a monster, and loses the ability to use magic since she's a Sorceress.) And ah yeah, I recall that. Also, it's not quite... the Humanizer boosting her power. Well... actually, I won't really explain it. It's a spoiler. We'll find it out if we ever get to St. Faspiliére. In fact, we'll find out a lot of things there. If you want to try them out, you can! Just some things to try to make it fun. ...And wow. He... passes out a lot. He must really like Anna. Is he in love with her or something? You know, that would actually be really cool. If they ever turn human... romance.

    True. And Cloyster... isn't really Xigbary either. He's tough.
    Poor Psy, he's been through a lot. So have my characters, for that matter. And Arylett who hasn't fainted yet. Although I didn't have her faint yet because I needed somebody to take on the leader role, first of all. And second, because I didn't want both of my characters to be unconscious at the same time. Then again, she's... some weird... thing that isn't really human, so... who knows what her tiredness threshold is. And that's good to hear, at least. I've left a few features intact, like you can still make a Signature Move or Combo Moves and all that.

    That's true, but Raichu's much bigger. Just seems less Nobodyish. And again, that's also true. ASB sort of moves slowly. At least, here it does. What with how long battles take to complete. He doesn't seem like one to me either... but I can't really think of what else he'd be.

    ...Ahaha, of course. My mistake. :P
    It's been yanked! And I've finally posted. With the status of Anna, hee hee. I'm sure you'll be interested to know. Sadly, I think my little lapse there might've killed it. But I'm going to still try to force it to stay alive really really hard. I think I'll be posting a lot more now that there's no EXP for me to manage. It feels like a big load has been lifted clean off me.

    It's just Roxas seems too young to be a Raichu, and Raichu is much bigger than Emolga. It just doesn't fit as a Nobody. He seems more... Pikachu to me. And yeah, he is. He looks a lot like Roxas, almost exactly the same. True about Xemnas though... I can't see him as being anything other than a Mewtwo. What about Xigbar then? Octillery? Those things have lots of shooting attacks.

    Also, you called Atnura "Arylett." :P Although it's sort of the same thing, to be honest.
    Aah, sorry I've not been answering. My motivation's died a whole bunch. And was it really that good? Maybe you're just saying that because it was your first. If it does die, I'll bring it back later, I guess, yeah. Just... no EXP System. I can't really do it anymore now that I've created the RSP, which is just HUGE.

    It always seems the most inconvenient thing happens at the wrong time.

    Well, Roxas doesn't really seem... evolved to me. Also, he has blonde hair! And Pikachu is yellow. And... I sort of see Ventus as being a Pikachu too because he resembles Roxas. And nah, none besides Larxene... and Xion, I guess. But she's in Days. And true! His does match a Glalie. I wonder what Xemnas would be.
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