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  • Haha. I was originally going to raise my kids on memes and GameBoys but I realized that either way they're inheriting a hand-me-down planet.
    Meh. I'm probably just being cynical for lack of sleep. Anyway, how do you plan to defy this injustice?
    I go to one of those alternative schools with the solar panels and the rain garden and whatnot. We're known for being the weird-ass kids but the way I see it there's a certain nonconformist status between hipster and average highschool dumbshit that we fit in perfectly. Except there are less and less people in the lower grades that qualify for anything except for average highschool dumbshit.

    I had an eighth grader tell me he was going to beat the shit out of me and he used a bunch of racial slurs that implied he was black. He wasn't; he was a fat white kid. The world is fucked.
    I have a lot of faith/hope/etc. in general, but it's dwindling as far as humanity goes. Especially in the high school sophomores and under of today. No offense to you if you're one of them, there are plenty of exceptions.
    Nor did I. I thought we'd all died out long ago or something. Anyway it's not as popular as it should be.
    Knowing me, I'd screw something up and end up with this "block" thing. Whatever that is/does.
    seems a lot like MY site XD im the only one there, but i never understood how to make a "popular" website
    Oh my various gods. just seeing all the i's o's s's do's and dont's almost made me shit myself. I'll let my Wii keep it's virginity. xD
    Oh, I have no HackMii installer!
    As for the USB games thing. I don't know how to "usbf?" format anything. xD
    Would you know a homebrew program that would allow me to get games on my wii. Like Legend of Zelda and stuff? :3 Also, I can't seem to get letterbomb to work...
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