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  • I'm guessing you crossed that stuff out because you figured it out, but to make sure you got it right: the initial command order doesn't matter; most people either randomize it or have the arena creator send out first. After that point, turn order alternates; base speed has nothing to do with it.

    Yes, you would use an RNG. That's fine. What you state is acceptable except that the base critical hit chance is 5%, not 1%.
    Different people do it differently. I use something like this scale, while the one that Kratos uses is this. Some people use their own; as long as they seem logical to me, I don't mind. Kratos' is probably the most popular at this point because it comes with a calculator.
    Yeeaah. I noticed. I need to try and raise an EV team, I know, but I also like battling with some of my friends around where I live, and none of them EV train. I may begin doing it if I get a bit bored over the summer.
    *laughs at you for requesting a lickie even though I requested two plus I know how to make them*
    "Screw this no damage cap. Remind me to never do something like this again."
    You know, that's exactly what I was thinking when I wrote that reffing.
    Alright, what's the sites URL? I'll check it out.

    Aye. I think MGS4 would probably take up a large part of that space.

    I don't get the last comment. Then again, its nearly 2AM, so that may be why.
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