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Squornshellous Beta

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  • Also, congratulations, your battle is in the bottom of my alphabetically ordered reffing folder, a position previously owned by Shadow Serenity vs. thunder.
    I also own a funny-colored team in other league, though for the most part I've slid in an additional detail to go with the recoloring.

    Yes, that I've seen.
    Just realized you've gone on a recoloring your team spree at some point.
    That happens to me too, actually. I just can't focus on books specifically mostly because of all the technology around, ha ha. But if I'm drawing something, I will go into that trance like the other day where I started drawing something at night and didn't notice the sun had risen until I was finished.
    I'm not sure what was going on or what was wrong but for the brief two seconds your HTML signature was up everything appeared to be multiplied infinitely or something... at the very least it took up a ton of space so I kind of freaked out and changed it back to what it was before I approved it. ._. But since you prompted me to check I did take care of a few other signatures waiting to be looked at, so thanks for that. :p

    Also still not entirely sure about the BBcode parsing. Karkat Vantas's short little marquee thing was <marquee> and then
    OH DERP maybe it's the thing at the bottom of the page that says "Manage HTML Signatures"!!
    Er, I don't think you can mix the forum's code stuff with the HTML... Like the tags act funny and I'm not sure if they'd actually work when viewed in a post or not. :T I'll approve it and see what happens and if things are all jacked up I'll change it back.
    edit: OH HELL THAT WAS SCARY I hope I didn't make anyone's computers explode. :U At least I learned something about HTML signatures today, I think.
    Nah, it's no trouble... I just feel really stupid for not knowing where to look. ;_; derp
    Oh, yeah... we don't have many buses here. >: I barely have the attention span to read books for that long, sadly.
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