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Squornshellous Beta

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  • But Mudkips are part water type. For all intents and purposes, Eelektrik isn't a fish. It's a floating electric thing.
    Okay. Thank you still anyway~
    And yeah, there probably will be more referees now because of that. Superbird *might* ref if the Hadro vs. Phantom battle ends in DQ. The reason I made a computer setting with elecricity was for Squirtle's and for my Electric-type Pokemon.
    Heh. Wow. So at first you used all of your money on Pokemon. I reset a few minutes ago, got a Fire Stone, a special starter deal Snivy, and one Mareep, Taillow, Abra, and a Vulpix.
    ...one more thing. I keep forgetting to ask. I asked Superbird to ref a battle, and he said to ask you. That was a while ago, but I wanted to see if you can in fact ref...?
    Oh, it's alright. It is much harder to express emotion physically. off-topic warning [!]
    And I reset my ASB account and got a new team! Why is it that when I first joined I heard of no starter deal even though I swear I read that thread all the way through? PRO. No, really I read the ENTIRE thing twice. Tough read :sweatdrop: LONG.
    ... I really can't tell if those things breath at all. I'll say it's a "no", since it's not a water type and can't use any significant water moves.
    I'll get it on the 28th, my birthday. Then I will discover the awesomeness of the fifth gen.
    Oh, fishing SPOTS with the spots included? Nevermind. And shaking grass is V. I know.
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