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Squornshellous Beta

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  • Well. It seems like Barubu has disappeared from our random battle of randomness. Do you want me to DQ him, or should we just sit around and twiddle our thumbs? Or I can just post the next round without him posting, but there's still the protocol and stuff :|
    I think you'd enjoy it if you can even begin to get into anything like "Of Mice and Men." And I gotta say I envy you of those abilities a little. There are so many books I'd love to read, but I never seem to have time just to sit down and relax into one lately. Normally, it takes me about a month just to get halfway through a book I find moderately interesting. I'd love to be able to read fast enough to pound out a book in a day or two and snap it shut with a satisfied sigh. As for the spoiler...lol. Not much of one these days. But, I am pretty behind on the series as a whole. Never got past the fourth movie either.
    While that's very impressive insofar as speed is concerned, I can't really imagine anyone getting a whole lot out of reading seven books in just two days. That sounds a lot like skimming, but then again, I've never been a speed reader, so perhaps I'm simply at a drastic disadvantage to you! But, yeah. "Ideas and Opinions" is simply a collection of Einstein's work on a group of subjects and topics, ranging from science and his own theories to social movements to religion to government and such. It's quite interesting to see what he thought of different things outside of his own field.

    As for HP...I never got past book five. =\
    I haven't read much Steinbeck lately.

    Perhaps he'll be my next project. I've been plodding through Einstein's "Ideas and Opinions" if that says anything about my light reading...ha.
    Same here. I can't count how many times I've been called a grammar Nazi in the past. Capitalization is a must for me as well.
    At least you'd be keeping busy! Not that I have any complaints about the staff here. Then again, that is pretty meticulous even for an admin. But, I agree with you. I'd be doing the same thing.
    Heeyyy. I wanna thank you again for reffing my battles. :]

    One other thing - I think the way you ref yawn is a bit unfair (in my favour, during my battle). Pre-rolling the amount of rounds they sleep and making it known to both battlers makes it entirely too easy to abuse it by continuously putting the foe to sleep and knowing exactly how long they're going to remain asleep. I chose not to do that because it would be unfair, but I think you should randomize when the pokemon wakes, or at least not put the information in the status info, so as not to make it so easy to abuse in the future. Hr?
    Well, it's a rarity to see a lot of people on the internet spell correctly in general, let's nevermind punctuation or grammar.
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