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Squornshellous Beta

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  • Also speaking of battles we are involved in I posted commands for my battle with Res that you are reffing.

    Make like a summergale and ref it in 1.5 hours
    You should probably change thiisssss to show our battle awaiting ref :>
    Homestuck, one of the older updates. 'course, when I made the set it was one of the newer ones, but still.

    For the banner I took a background shot of the Land of Heat and Clockwork, a shot of Dave and his sword, and then blended in a second picture just to make it look cool.

    Wasn't that hard, to be honest.
    It's more because I am immature and thought 2v2 battles would look too much like the teams were flashing each other if I did it using text.

    And no, they don't... I have no idea why they're out of synch, they're both animated at the same speed. It might just be an issue of loading, maybe... You got any better ideas? ;)
    Thanks for showing/reminding me about Pokedex 3D! I have all the rad pokemon registered!

    (Woo, Darmanitan! Woo, Garbodor!)
    :O Cool! I hath never battled you before!

    Now for pre-debating on who to send out, which is completely pointless.
    Thanks! It looks so damn fun!

    I mean who doesn't like transforming random move usage hax?
    Mind if I use The Third Anomaly as in your battle with Ole Schooler as a challenge?
    It's understandable.

    I generally don't either, but if I see something that is either intriguing or relative to myself I do occasionally.

    Other than that I just read my own. And when I do read others, I don't dwell too far. Just a few posts at the most.
    it's kind of general knowledge, but I guess you're exempt because I only have posted it (publicly, not just in my VM conversations) like once or twice.
    YES. I enjoy it.

    I know GIMP is free (Superbird has pestered me about it), but that doesn't change the fact I'm not allowed to install things!

    Thank you, though.
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