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  • Ouch ;;

    Well, it's a good thing you did! Unless you want a handsome crook in your own nose that was probably the best thing to do, to help it set right and stuff and look mostly like what it used to.
    Okay, so... in happened in 8th grade if I remember right, just before we started high school. We were playing foursquare at recess (in case you've never heard of it, basically you draw a square on the ground and divide it into fourths, have one person stand in each square, and the four players pass a ball around to eachother by bouncing it on the ground once, and the one time it bounces has to be in someone else's square. If you grab it with two hands, or it hits the inside of your square when you're trying to pass it, or it hits a line, you're out), as we normally did every day, but that day all the big round dodgeballs were missing, so one of the boys got the bright idea to use a lacrosse ball instead, which is much smaller and harder and... significantly less bouncy so I have NO idea how they planned on playing properly with it, so I decided to sit the game out. Before long one of the guys managed to chuck that lacrosse ball square in my friend's nose so hard that he broke it! So he missed a couple days to recover, and afterwards we just hung out inside for a few more days. Since it was the end of the year basically 80% of the day was recess so as long as we had permission we could basically roam around the building.
    Now his nose has a really handsome crook in it! Though he insists that it's not. I wouldn't say that made it my favorite feature of his face, because I like just about all of them, but
    well... if you say so. I really appreciate it ;; I feel a little better now so maybe when I start feeling worse, I guess... like, once I feel better enough to stop crying about it I don't really want to think about it too much right afterwards, you know?

    Also did I tell you about the time my friend broke his nose? maybe a silly story about broken noses would help, I dunno
    I'd feel so bad to bother you with it though... >: my problems are insignificant compared to other peoples'... I just don't know what to do to feel better about things so I still feel terrible even when I tell myself it's not supposed to be a big deal. That's basically it...
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