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Squornshellous Beta

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  • Call the phone company and complain to them? That's what my mom would do =x
    WHAT WHY NOT? Only "family" allowed? =/
    And, argh. You're living with her parents, then? =x
    Block his number(s)? Police are never my friends, but I'm sure they'd be yours if you explained =o
    Think positive. Visit her whenever you can. Hold her hand and let her know how much you love her. You should focus only on her; restrain your anger until a more appropriate time - a negative aura won't help.
    Also, how old are you? Because if you're young enough, your family can be reported for neglect/abandonment, I believe =x
    But, needless to say, that goes after Joanna recovers =)




    Aaaah so I'm picturing Joanna sitting there like you described; it's awful ; ;


    I miiiiight've hit him on the head in self defense. What no I didn't say I definitely did what-are-y


    Not normally, but I did just now =x
    Holy hell, this bastard needs to drown -_-
    And Joanna... I'm really sorry, I really hope she recovers in every way =/
    Why the hell are people so loathing towards bi- or homosexuals >.> I am just so angry now -_-



    It is, but there is no way I'm going to talk to him at aaaall. He is seething at me for screaming "DAAAD GETOFFOFFOFF AAAAAA" when he hit me that day. Seething, simply seething...


    Oh phone, why must you almost be out of energy and I haven't got the charger... Don't be alarmed if I suddenly go offline.

    I've been thinking about you two for the span of my abseeeence only to come read that she might be dying oh god :c

    Happy to do it. Wish I could do more...

    Um, maybe every five days? Meh, prolly once every week. Or two.
    YO x3 so I see you have a bad situation. Mewtini sad D:

    Joannaaaaaa also how is your eye :c

    Ajdgfir why is it I lwave wheb you have a bad time (sorry for typos phonetyping ain't easy)
    Yes'm, I have =)
    ... I really should eat and sleep more, my brain feels like it's dying lately =(
    I'm so sorry about your situation. That guy... I hope he doesn't bother you or Joanna again.
    I'd apply to be a ref again, but there's a password on my computer and my mom doesn't always let me use it =/
    & whatwhatwhat, how have I never friended you before :<
    Thanks so much! :D
    Afraid I can't pick him up till morning, though - can't c/p URLs with Wii internet =(
    =o If you insist =/
    In that case, I DEMAND A ROTOM MWUAHAHA actually just want a male Shinx with Rivalry =x
    Thank youuuu <3 :D
    Black Market or control panel thing? =x
    Either way I'd choose... to buy my own Pokemon =p
    I actually only have two in mind that I'd want :3
    Nah, apparently you joined this whole forum after I quit ASB =o
    Isn't PRO where you get sig moves and such approved? I'm lost with this now, it's been like two years =,(
    Why, I'm not surprised since I was never really well-known. I had a type-changing business but only ever reffed three battles =x
    But oh I'm back, lalala~ =)
    Awww thanks Squorn, I feel appreciated <3
    I was actually a ref with a business in the "old ASB" =x When it was remodeled, all the changes intimidated me. But I was bored yesterday, so! :3
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