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Squornshellous Beta

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    Yeah. Also giga drain really saved me in the battle, so that's good.
    How have you not been promoted to the next level in reffing? Seriously, you should be. I think if you were gone, the entire league would collapse in and of itself!
    I don't know if you forgot or are just waiting for something, but you're past the DQ time in my battle with Byrus. It's no big deal, though.

    And thank you for taking it.
    No problem-o! :D
    But whatwhatwhat you're using big words that I don't comprehend =,(

    If you could, tell( Jo that I'm thinking of her and that I don't think you'll leave her.

    I'm really unhelpful aren't I

    I don't have much to do with my time either, but I'd sort of throw myself out of a window if I had to do that many.

    Oh. I *don't really* know what you mean by defensive moves (attacks like counter, you mean?) but I do like tricky statuses.
    YAYYYY! <3
    *happy dance* :D Lalala, do a happy dance with me~ =)
    Now I'm sure I don't have to remind you to take very good care of her ;) =p
    Good luck with everything now! :D
    Or that x) It's just, most hospitals I know only allow immediate family to visit until the patient has recuperated satisfyingly =x
    Hooray for self-portrait pixel art! =)
    Wig? I've heard they're a bit expensive though, so spray-on hair dye and some styling/whatever could help. The dye should come in either bold colors (blue, orange, etc.) or natural ones. Skin... I don't know =( You got some tanning recently? =x
    I'm imagining you as the sprite on your ASB profile =x
    Depends on the nurses you meet. Also, the less you've tried to visit, the easier it would be to pull off a disguise. Wigs/spray-on hair dye are a plus. Also if you bring her parents for "clarification" that you're "related", if they'd do that. In the end it's to help their daughter, so =x
    Also, the fact that they're letting you stay despite their discomfort seems to be an improvement =)
    I would either bribe a nurse to let me see her or disguise myself and say I'm her cousin or sister or something =x
    That's nice of them =)
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