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Squornshellous Beta

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  • tl;dr

    (okay that is kind of uninspired, but I have ~five Pokémon known only by their species name so you're much more original than me at least. :3)

    (But there must be hundreds of thousands of murderers out there and I've never killed anyone D: The worst I ever did was eat a carrot in a shop without paying)

    If the tournaments are open to everyone in the ASB community, they do not require a slot. If they are only for members of the social group, they require a slot.
    i'm too disturbed to read it what does it say

    (Strigiforms is not unoriginal. Unoriginal would be OMG I GOT A HOOTHOTT I WILL NANME IT OWLY OR HOOTY MCHOOTERSON)

    (Not even Hitler?)

    Sleep sex.

    Wikipedia has an article on sleep sex.

    (also I like your nicknames
    Kam is silly :c)

    (also there are people worse than me)
    You are right to be angry. It is a terrible world where sticky-handed people should be convenienced while playing video games.
    Because not everything needs a reason to exist.
    For example, puke green and red gamepads. Or gamepads that dispense wetwipes.
    Because the information related to you reached your sensory organs and was interpreted by your brain.
    Wikipedia is strange. Not only does it have a whole article on pizza delivery, but said article devotes an entire heading to the many dangers inherent in delivering pizza.
    He is named after the final boss of Megaman V for the Gameboy!

    And it's a pretty fuckin rad name to boot, being a solar deity and all

    Squorn are you overwhelmed with battles to ref? Because... I just made a challenge and I would like you to be the referee because you're mah fave I need a fast and reliable referee, because if I have an inconsistent referee this battle's gonna take a huge amount of time.
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