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  • Kind of an overdone concept but it ought to fly. Poison Point's not too appropriate, though since Slugma's not especially pointy. But Poison Touch does the exact same job and fits better, so.
    Reffing posted.

    By the way, a recalculation is having Struggle Bug do damage anyway. I probably mistyped something when I went about using Kratos' calculator.
    I typically use Wordpad because my Microsoft Word is a whiny bitch. Wordpad has the minor inconvenience of not letting you view properly how long each paragraph is, but otherwise, I guess it's fine.
    Not being in my home computer means I get to use Microsoft Word for the reffing. And it tells me "grimdark" is not a word. SUCH IGNORANCE.
    No, I literally think racists are an ethnic group that have emigrated to other parts of the world.

    No idea. Maybe once I've actually remembered all the people Ive promised battles to I can give you a ballpark estimate.
    According to Kratos' calculator (which I usually don't use but I'm currently not on my home computer right now), the second Struggle Bug, due to Special Defense boosts, will do 0% damage. The calculator automatically rounds it up to 1%, but fidgeting around with it a little has proven it's actually 0% rounded up. And as for not rounding it up, well, I've decided, prior to this battle, that I wouldn't round a 0% up should I come across one.

    I'll probably redo these calculations if I'm not done reffing by the time I'm back to my home computer though.
    Racists are bad. They ought to go back where they came from.

    Watch it. You know, as in look out an generally go about your actions with a greater degree of caution.

    Sure looks fine I guess :D
    A smart way out.

    Also, this will be my first time reffing an attack that does 0% damage. Which I'm not planning on rounding up to 1%.
    Hm. Not sure what to think of that.

    Currently reffing your battle. Hypnosis missed, by the way.
    You are. You're being racist against Hebrew.
    (I don't speak Hebrew though.)


    Well, considering this forum has had seizure incidents before, I guess it'd be hard to tell.
    Nah, I was just kidding. There were lots of blinking color, but not enough to cause an actual seizure or even any eyestrain.
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