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  • Ah no, not really to be honest. See here's the thing: Legend of the Stone Tablet is the first rp out of two which involves the gathering of the members of the prophecy, whilst the sequal [pending title being Resignition of the Stone Tablet] is supposed to be about the prophecy actually being fulfilled. So yeh. This one is just your basic high school roleplay with a hint of mystery, whilst the sequal goes full force.
    Thank you Stormy. ^^ I'll go post with this new Pokémon character.

    Oh trust me, she's going to be a familar one~

    Also, since everything went asplode, you could probably post something about Skaldia noticing the explosion or something? Especially since she was in the very near vicinity of it~
    So like, I know there's a one character rule in Dreams of the Past, but can I sort of um... Bend it a bit? My characters are all knocked out and I really want to post something, but I just can't. Also, I wanna be a Pokémon character~

    Is that okay? If not, then that's fine~

    You shall never be needed... There are grander cities than the one I live in, I do admit. I am... I live in poverty, I always have. What you have seen, what you have viewed is only the scum below the greatness, the slums. You... you base your opinion on the slums of one city. You haven't seen... seen how great the upper town looks. In human societies, there will always be the rich and the poor. And regardless if your presence, it is something that cannot change.

    ...You're the one who's stayed hidden under your rock. Or should I say cave...? You know nothing... nothing at all about the present day.
    What silly deluded thoughts. The reason I commanded to fight the Dusknoir you was to keep up my facade, my facade as the Champion. I knew it would be more benefiting to us if you cooperated. We all were armed, we could've easily defeated each and everyone of you. But I came not to harm, I came only to contain you monsters. I promised no one would get hurt or die by us unless neccessary. And getting you to cooperate with me prevented casualties.

    Not his though... still not his.. And whose fault was it? You and your vile species. My weapons did not kill Atticus, you beasts did and that proves that you are not born to protect, you are born to harm. And because you choose your own purposes, that makes you a bigger threat, because you have a mind of your own. Minds are unpredictable, uncontrollable, and of utmost danger in weapons.

    ...But don't you dare mention him... Don't you dare... Not in the faintest whisper, not in the faintest crevice of your little unholy mind do I want him...
    Do not be foolish, humans are not perfect. I never said that we were. All I said was this: You Pokémon have outlived your use for us. Meaning you are no longer necessary in human society. But do not misunderstand me, I do not wish to wipe out Pokémonkind, I merely wish to keep you beasts away from us.

    And there are always those who cling to the old ways in a society... always those who can never move on! A society is not perfect, every living creature on this planet is flawed, including humans. To strive for perfection is impossible, a meaningless goal! Our sole purpose is to improve, to evolve, and to adapt. There will always be criminals, always. And that is why I must keep Pokémon away from them, you all serve as dangerous weapons, because you are weapons that can think for yourselves.
    Your kind may have created this earth, but my kind cultivated it. Were it not for our existance, you would all still be mindlessly fighting amongst yourselves. We mastered the planet. And now the creators must go and leave us to refine their creations! Such is the way... survival of the fittest, as you say!

    Stubborn, hmph! We are not stubborn, it is your kind that is stubborn! You remain set in your ways, whilst we continue to change, to evolve, to create better technology! One day, technology will take us far beyond the clouds, whilst you, you filthy creatures will be left in our dust... It is your ignorance that makes me ill, but alas, you are only a Pokémon.
    Arrogance! Ha. What I speak is no arrogance, it is the truth. You have outlived your function.... And what do I care of your reason to live? It isn't as if you care about the death of one silly human! So answer me this, why should I care?

    Pokémon... hmph. And why would I want many strong Pokémon...? You serve no purpose... no purpose.. My gun serves your purpose. I care not about bonds.

    I warn you... you get in my way and I won't hesitate to kill you. I am no murderer... but I am a protecter. And I will protect them from any threats that threaten the balance.
    ...Hmph. Foolish beast! There is so little you know, so little you know. We humans, we no longer need your pathetic kind. We have developed weapons far more superior and far more saferer than feral monsters such as yourselves. You are a danger to us all. A weapon with a mind of its own...

    Survival of the fittest, but you are no longer fit. You are no longer fit to live in these new times and you must deal with it. We humans... we have evolved beyond Pokémon.
    How dare you? Filthy creature, hmph... You don't fully comprehend, fully comprehend the consequences of death! Pokémon training is evil... it always shall be and it always WILL be! Death... bringers of death and pain and misery. I will... never be a Champion of fools! ;;Also gets carried away;;
    Consider it...? Hmm... ;:Thinks;; This shall take some time...

    Perhaps she forgot about the RP... Hmm... Well, if she doesn't post, I can handle the Remnants on my own. Ahaha, I'm a one-woman band.

    ;;Is now officially in "Mourmedy Mode";; ...... ;;Glares a steely gaze;;
    ...I know I pledged my loyalty to you, Question Mark... But that sounds a little... iffy...

    Oooh, this should be interesting... Muhehehehe. ;;Gets into "Mourmedy Mode";; I have to get into that mode before I can RP her, yes.
    Yes... only the Question Mark.... Only the Question Mark... ;;Bows;; I pledge my loyalty to it, all of my obedience, everything, shall go to the Mighty Question Mark!

    (Also, I have an idea for your RP... Your character, she doesn't want to go to the wild, right? Well... Why doesn't she stalk Mourmedy and follow her for a while, trying to get her to be her trainer?)
    ;;Still can't talk;; Mmph.... ;;Stares at question mark in reverence. For it is exalted. A most holy ancient relic that cannot be rivaled. Doooooooooooooom must be worshiped. Constructs a cathedral in honor of the Mighty Holy Question Mark;;
    Mmmmph! Mmmph! ;;Muffled;; Mmmph! ;;Struggles, trying to get out. Still trying to object;;

    ;;Bows down before the awesome and mystical question mark. Is not worthy of its holy presence. Not worthy;;
    XD Yes, yes it is! Replying in a rush~

    I never tell my parents about the weird stuff I write. They'd be all: O_O and be like: "That's nice dear... You're a very um... special snowflake..." She is composed, hmm? Well, Atticus' death has prevented it for a bit of a while... She'll be mourning him for a long time, they were going to get married after all. But yes, it is possible for her to be tempted in the future. Though she'll feel immensely guilty about it. And no, I am NOT! Go ahead, stick that duct tape on me! >D

    Yes, I can't not believe it! ;;Gazes upon it in awe;; It has to be truthing... It HAS to BE.
    Oh right! XD I forgot to post, I've got so much going on~ Oh you posted it here? I'll have to check it out some time! You told your parents about it? Don't worry, I've come up with more messed up things than that! XD She is a fascinating anatagonist? How is she interesting? And I object! XD

    Of course you do... of course you do! How can I not believe a face like that?
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