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  • I didn't ask her, I'm too lazy to. And I thought it was deleted.
    P.S. I wanted to see her face since when I go to sleep I imagine a convention, and need to visualize her.
    Oh. My. Gosh. I saw Butterfree's picture :DDD I talked to Markku, and he was saying that it was on a very old Behind the Avatar thread that was deleted. It was only closed! And I've been wanting to see Butterfree's picture I'M SO HAPPY :D:D:D:D
    I haven't been registered here until recently, but I had been comtemplating it for over three months, and meanwhile had been reading tons of threads.
    D:< You purposely are making me curious!
    No, I don't...I'm gonna get it on my birthday, the 28th.
    I don't really think about it itself, but I think it affected me although I know it shouldn't. And what makes you say that you haven't learnt manners yet?
    Yeah, the date is pretty old. And I thought I was the other way around, really. Mature at first, and now not as much. Although that could be due to my minor fight with Wargle, when I was being really stupid. DX
    ...maybe, but look at, uh, FireChao's site. Those forums are nice, but there is slightly more bashing than here...I really don't see the big difference. But we do all care for each other, and when I joined I got tons of PMs.
    What? The point is that they're being mean, not that I agree. That's why I like this forum. As soon as I joined, I got like 5 PMs saying welcome. ♥ I was happy :D And I don't know if I'll be around when I'm 16. 7 years+ My age of 9 = 16...o.o
    ...Woah. If this counts as a post...I will become a Metapod! OMG! Yayyyyy! My post count is up to 199! I think this counts...! *PARTY TIME!***********
    ...There are actual conventions? Markku said that it was just a thought! o.o I wanna go...and this particular forum seems to have friendlier people, or it's just me. There are other places that are mean to newbies, or n00bs :o
    Next week, most likely, as long as it'snot school or sleeping hours. Eastern time zone.
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