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  • That would be awesome 8D I really want to meet Butterfree, but anyone on here who's friendly I wanna meet! (The point is that pretty much everyone here is friendly)
    That's why we have pics of ourselves :P
    I have no idea, though I could research. Also, is that mode on SoulSilver? If so, I'd love to battle sometime!
    And I wonder how Cloudy's real dad would've helped out...then again, none of this would have happened if his dad WAS alive, I suppose.
    Yes, Pearl and SoulSilver. However, I can't find my Pearl (They're all level 95! =[ ) but I do have my SoulSilver, but since I never feel like training, they're only level 75 ish.
    True...but he still gets somewhat depressed, if you read his CC threads...and yes, I know what you mean by those people that emanate happines...my best friend is like that...yes, Cloudsong is...damned world.
    Oh! Specific levels? Mine are around 56 mostly. Maybe if we're close enough we could battle? Sorry, haven't had a Wi-Fi battle in forever!
    I know....this Earth is cruel...but at least he could take comfort in how he's better than a lot of this world...? He is, though, and should know that...
    Maybe. But we'd both need the other for a bit if we wish to capture the third member of the trio: Landus or something xD It requires both to be on one game in order to battle it in the Abundant Shrine. Also, how's your progress in the game?
    Oh, he said in a CC thread that his real dad comitted suicide. ;-; And it seems, I bet, that his mom is probably afraid.
    It's actually Thundurus, my bad. But it's a White-exclusive roaming legendary of the typing Electric/Flying, as opposed to Tornadus, a Black-exclusive legendary being a pure Flying type.
    Caught it witha Dive Ball, the last one xD Now for Thunderus... Then to complete the Unova dex!
    At least we get to see him next month, but gosh, how could anyone's family be so cruel? ;-; Makes me feel sick...
    Never mind, found it! Though I'm wondering whether to just capture it with a Master Ball or not...
    Yes. Next month. I was a little upset when you replied, I was waiting for Silver. And this took a little while since the server was busy.
    I want to know him better, but I can't say I really know him... And for the math, I'm in 6th grade. Pre-Algebra.
    Alright, I know where Kyurem lies Giant Chasm) but I have searched everywhere in there and have no idea how to get into the "Cave's Deepest Part"... Help? xD
    XD I already have sent him a request, which was accepted. At least we can talk to him at all, you're right. And when I said "weird equation" I meant the unneeded clutter XD
    It is cute. That is alllllll.

    Virzion...Pinwheel forest.

    Where are your parents? O.o
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