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  • True. But hey, we get to see him at all! And he said that he wouldn't forget you guys (I'm somewhat excluded)! And he didn't. And I've been meaning to send a friend request to you, but I was waiting for a good time. This seemed like a good time...
    P.S. How did you like my odd, unneeded weird equation?
    Cloudy's back for today! Yayay! I guess we only get to talk to him for 3monthsX2daysapiece=6 days total to talk to him until he comes back, though. But I'm crying in happiness :'D
    The little alien one :o You know the one in Celestial Tower. ZEE ALIEN ZEE CUTE LITTLE ALIEN
    ...I already started it over. D: I have a Snivy. I can't think of another to have until I get my Elgyem. ELGYEM :O!!!!!
    I have found it. And finished the game, again, since I foumd all the sages.

    Not at my house. My brother-in-law did buy it mostly for Xbox LIve though.
    ...I can't find that little island. Is it just me or is it impossible to find?

    McDonald's but I can't ever connect :| I'm going to see if I can get it from my sister's house.
    Hm...do you know how to get Waterfall? I can't seem to find it.

    No, I don't have Wi-Fi, so. :( I want it too...it's so cute.
    I don't know where the other one or what it's called 8)

    How many sages have you found so far? I found 4, I'm having trouble with the other two.

    Like I said, I only raised my Stoutland and Samurott. I just went around with the normal battles, I didn't grind 8) And did you know Stoutland can learn Fire Fang, Ice Fang, and Thunder Fang? :D

    I caught Thundurus with one Quick Ball :3
    Um...60-65 I think. My Stoutland fainted a few times but I mainly used my Samurott. I used the other Pokemon that I didn't use as decoys to revive my Stoutland.

    I just used the Master Ball. I didn't buy any Ultra Balls at that point cuz I wasn't expecting a giant castle to appear.
    I beat it on Wednsday when I got it Monday :D

    Was he that hard for you? He was easy for me o.o I only used two Pokemon, not including Zekrom. The game was generous with that weren't they? :D

    My Samurott is level 73 :3
    Yeah, defeated burgh-dustin with just servine and panpour! Training a tynamo at the moment...
    But Bladey, I mean Blade isn't on. HOW IS THAT SUPPOSED TO WORK.

    I think everyone thinks that. And almost everyone ships me and Bladey, I mean, Blade now.
    Well, Phantom took away the root beer D: QUICK SOMEONE STOP MEH BEFORE I GO FARTHER! USE DUCT TAPE AND ROPE!
    Bwahaha... I'm deciding whether to add a Scraggy to my team, as going against Burgh with two Pokemon not so good against Bug Types would most likely be annoyingly difficult,
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