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  • pretty much. I fought that new ground/ghost pokemon, and it hit with dynamic punch three times in a row. I don't think they have no guard.
    alright. most of the original 'mons are still alive, but the amounts of crits that happen are making me angry. But good, all in all.
    once you get to lv. 10, the exp you get on rout 2 is so disappointing, there is no reason for grinding there at all.
    Yeah. With Bachuru/Butterfree, I wasn't that scared of her to begin with, until I realized I acted stupid around her. Not fear, but tongue twisted. NOW I don't want to talk to her since I think she'll go off...I got more scared of her when I read the old thread "GO AWAY". Not aaaaasss much for the other mods.
    Current team:

    [Blast] Tepig lv. 15
    [Baxter] Pansage lv. 15
    [Freida] Roggenrola lv. 12

    [Augistine] Lillipup lv. 13
    [Hypno Rat] Patrat lv. 7

    I too have one badge.
    oh, well they've all been destroyed anyhow. Why? I'm doing a grass mono now on it.

    Also, I'm thinking about doing a nuzlocke for my first white run.
    1, too bad. I have to wait to get my pre-ordered white myself. It's dumb >:I
    2, I am disappoint. I am going to work on my grass mono in Emerald (just beat a nuzlocke in it, so good!) until we go, so.

    Back to my Emerald Nuzlocke. I had six pokemon, a Kecleon (named Rosevelt), a Claydol (named Hamilton), a Swampert (named Truman), a Wailord (named Judy), a Tentacruel (named Madison), and a Tropius (named Amelia). I was trying to gt them all to level sixty when I said "Screw it! I'm getting three of them to 60, then I'm going to the elite four!" And I did. I took Rosevelt, Hamilton, and Truman. Kecleon Brik Break'd our way through Sydney and Glacia, Hamilton Shadow Ball'd Phoebe, and Truman Ice Beam'd Drake like a complete boss, taking no damage in the process. I healed, went to Wallace and the battle was like this:

    TRAINER sends out Rosevelt!
    WALLACE sends out Wailord!
    Wailord uses Double Edge!
    Rosevelt uses Thunderbolt!
    Wailord is Paralyzed!
    Rosevelt uses Thuderbolt!
    Wailord faints!

    WALLACE sends out Tentacruel!
    TRAINER sends out Hamilton!
    Hamilton uses Psybeam!
    Tentacruel uses Hydro Pump!
    (Me: wait... I know Earthquake...)
    Hamilton uses Earthquake!
    Tentacruel faints!

    WALLACE sends out Ludicolo!
    TRAINER sends out Rosevelt!
    Ludicolo uses Double Team!
    Rosevelt uses Slash!
    (a little bit of this)
    Ludicolo uses Surf!
    Rosevelt uses Slash!
    Ludicolo uses Giga Drain!
    Rosevelt uses Slash!
    (a little bit of this)
    Ludicolo faints!

    WALLACE sends out Whishcash!
    TRAINER sends out Truman!
    Truman uses Earthquake!
    Whishcash uses Surf!
    Truman uses Earthquake!
    Whishcash faints!

    WALLACE sends out Milotic!
    Truman uses Earthquake!
    Milotic uses Surf! (and actually does some decent damage...)
    Truman uses Earthquake!
    Milotic faints!

    WALLACE sends out Gyarados!
    TRAINER sends out Rosevelt!
    Gyarados uses Hyper Beam!
    Rosevelt is dead! ;~;
    TRAINER sends out Hamilton!
    Hamilton sacrifices itself with Explosion!
    Gyarados faints!
    Hamilton is dead! ;~;

    TRAINER WINS! *confetti*
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