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  • I lost the actual story, and I couldn't think of a good name for one of the main characters.
    see below, also
    It was. At least, until I realized I was twelve and probably wasn't going to write anything of any actual purpose/ that had any good content, so I destroyed it completely. However, I still use Zackrai/ Zackrinian for other things.

    I was the one who sounded rude earlier- I like to use italics.
    how so?

    My original Username was Zackrinian. I used that from something I was writing, called The Lost Tribe of Zackrai. There was this group of people similar to Native Americans, and they were the Tribe of Zackrai. I had decided that someone from this group would be called a Zackrinian, which is where that came from.

    Chief Zackrai,on the other hand is what I thought I would call their leader. When Ibecame a Butterfree, I decided it would be appropriate to change me Username to what it is now.

    And if you go by your logic, your name should be Bird. Is it? No, I didn't think so.
    Hey Super. I want to set up a thread in the Dachét GTS. The only thing I'd offer are the starters and Phione. I don't know how to EV or egg moves a lot. Would it be a shop, or something else?
    DSi. My internet is WPSK-2 or something. I'd prefer not to mess with the settings, though, 'cause I'd be screwed if my parents caught me.
    Shit. I have no excuse but 'I forgot'. Uh... Shiny Machop with a Hasty Nature for keeping you waiting so long...? Dx

    Uh, yeah, and I can't use my internet connection due to security settings on it (They work fine with Advanced Setup; just not with Nintendo WFC), but my neigbor's connection might hold up long enough for a 2 vs. 2 or something.
    Sorry I haven't gotten back to you, my scedule told me to stay off teecod.

    Any day work good for you this week? Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I can't get on until 8:15 - 9:00, which is pronably too late for you. Tommorow or Tuesday would be best.
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