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    When I first came here, I tried going "Mawile this is what an .exe is" and he was like "um I know what that is." ehehe...

    I'm a big computer-person, as you can tell.
    I started feeling sheepish after "that's complicated" and "no it isn't! you just need this" and then "...what's that"

    I was like "eep I'm screwing up explaining stuff over and over again D:"
    they have amazing stuff on there when you avoid the weird stuff

    did you have a tumblr cuz i don't know if i possibly just followed you xD

    not that impatient
    .........It's a raw image of a CD that you can burn onto a CD. It's the info from a CD ripped into a file.
    Not really, if you ever need help you can ask me!

    It's actually pretty simple, but you do need an .iso of the OS you're running.
    I feel like it's been years since I've talked to her I hope she gets in soon c:
    ... i did?

    I have yet to talk to Mewtini I've missed her so much I hope she gets on soon
    I don't care if you have my friend's are like weird sometimes so blame weirs stuff I have been tagged in on them... except the Nicolas Cage thing that was all me xD and you could have like talked to me or something ahh
    Basically you download something like VMWare Player or VirtualBox and you emulate an OS; i.e. you run Win7 but then use VMWare Player and within an emulated environment, you install Linux.

    I'm sorry! I didn't want to explain it early on and have you be like "don't assume I didn't know what it was ; ;"
    Oh, and calcBC also deals with different coordinate systems, and those might take a little getting used to, but you can do some absolutely crazy stuff with them.
    Uhh, no. Calculus BC is further integrals, further applications, and infinite series. Techniques of integration is a pain. Calc III is multi-variable calculus, and may include vector calculus at some colleges, but usually, vector calculus is its own course, called calculus IV. If you're doing Calculus AB, then you'll get into the basic, basic, basic differential equations.

    I nominally can do two courses. There is no online summer school. Online courses are unlimited during the year; you can do however many you want, but some of the ones I'm taking are with another education system, which means that I don't get credit (but I do get to take AP exam, so I'm happy). I'm taking four this semester. I think I may have been a little too greedy.
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