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  • Yeah, most distributions are free. The only ones I can think of that aren't are the enterprise related ones.

    It only took me an hour :p You'd have to back stuff up, I guess? Probably not.

    Also if your computer is at all decent you could virtualize Linux to test it out!
    So would further math be vector calculus or differential equations? Or linear algebra maybe?

    I used to go to a school with half of the people Chinese and the other half Indian (when I used to live in a city with similar demographics). Now, it's more normal.

    No, I've got more than enough. A lot of summer school and online courses will do that to you.
    Linux on a Mac is murder, from what I've heard. A lot of people are like "My god... just virtualize Linux of Windows, for what it's worth."
    nope, on different computers, of course

    Yeah, same laptop!

    I don't know! That would be awesome. Even though I'd rather do the Mac and Linux halves :p
    So did you ask a counsellor about it or did they just have it written in the course catalogue? And is it an actual class, with classmates and such, or what?


    Nope, skipped grade 11 and went straight onto 12th. I have a college rejection letter framed on my wall right now.
    You can do calculus III in high school? How?

    Hrm, I don't know if I'll be back for long. I have a ton of schoolwork, like, 8 courses this semester. Not to mention 3 AP exams come May.
    You're doing calculus already? :o

    For your question, I'd go with integration by parts, but I don't know if you're there yet.
    Um, yes, living example right here! :D

    Depends on whether or not you want to purchase ISBN1974396 Mewtini's Easy Guide to Installing Linux on Laptop Computers or not. For an easy ONE VM!
    Unfortuantely it's harder to choose since I'm on Linux. :/

    But yay, Wacom's okay with Linux, and Wacom's probably the best tablet brand...

    Also it's almost my birthday and I'm thinking of buying myself a graphics tablet :o

    I shall go and do that... Servine doesn't quite cater to Burgh, unfortunately.
    I know! ; ;

    I really really really wanted those two... I'll have to go back to Virbank and catch those two.
    Oh whoops. That was stupid. >->

    That's what happens when you get on a forum after 3 hours of work on Spanish. I'm sorry.
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