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  • Ooh lucky o: we have too many kids in my science class and I just hope that I won't get pulled from it and the people I dislike do... yes I already hav people I don't like ._.
    And I met someone who may possibly be a good boyfriend but let's not think about that I don't know him that well yet >->;;
    This may take me a second >->
    1. Gaming club fuck yes
    2. Pretty cool dude that I may possibly like in the future
    3. Crazy people like me
    4. People that listen to the same music as I do (that's hard to find lately)
    5. I only have three classes this semester fwee~ (biology honors, english honors, and study hall :D)
    6. I don't have to do math in the morning :'D
    7. ...turns out I can't descrbe lots of things
    8. I've run out of facts xD
    In both the room and cafeteria. And then I called one of the people I knows names and someone else thought I called them and they were looking back at me like "what >:c"
    ... I got my assigned computer today an we were in the cafeteria but ohmygod that room. so small
    I know but it's hard the last time I made a new friend is when I was pushed into the conversation by force. Like seriously :c
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