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  • Well, I mean, that's what the metronome generator is written in. The event moves list is just a list formatted in HTML.

    The metronome generator is super-simple conceptually: you have an array of all the attacks, indexed by number, then call a random number generator to pick one of them. Then print it. Almost all the code is either the contents of the array or input validation.
    Whuh-oh, looks like somebody finally deleted my old school webspace account. They're not online anymore, then, but I can send you the files by e-mail if you'd like.
    Would it be possible to combo encore and magical leaf? Praising the opponent by showering them with unfortunately damaging tracker leaves, maybe?
    Hmm.. I suppose there are multiple things you could do. I'm not entirely sure of all the plot details or what kind of character Jane is, and I think I unjoined all of the groups I was in so I can't go back and read the stuff we had buuuut

    Is the Procreatori King for or against peace with the Humans?

    If he's for it and the Procreatori consider themselves superior to humans:

    Jane begs for the king to give her and her people a chance; she knows the Procreatori and Humans have the potential to go further together than either of their species could alone. Her people may be/have [insert drawbacks here], but are really good at heart and surely will work with the Procreatori if they're given the chance and treated as equals. Perhaps she even offers herself as a personal slave/servant/worker to the King as a sacrifice for their species to be at peace and to be a physical representation of humans' wanting to be at peace with the Procreatori. Or perhaps the king could have her prove how far she's willing to go to achieve a peace treaty with the Procreatori, sending her off on an extremely difficult quest -if he's open to her succeeding- or an impossible quest -if he's against the peace treaty.- It'd be interesting and provide a place for the plot to go, building up Jane's, Adaur's -if the king orders him to accompany her-, and perhaps even the king's personalities. I could go on with other plot ideas, but I'm not sure what direction you want to go in, so I think I'll cut this short :3
    This is about 8 months late, but I love the drawing you made for that Cloudsong Tribute thingii forever ago in The Dark Side :3 Thank you so much ^.^
    :o You program in VB? I really want to learn it, but I find computer programming hard; the closest I've gotten to an actual programming language is TI-Basic :P I'll be glad to beta-test it, though. Have you started yet?
    I assume you no longer need the misdreavus or shuppet, considering that Spooky Mansion has come out?

    I think I also have a leaf stone and maybe a water stone, but I'm not sure. Either way there's not that many things I need at the moment.
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