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  • Hm.

    I never told you upfront since I thought it'd sound like I was being naggy or something...

    Nice to meet you~

    (Also, er, I'd like you to read my 'assesment' of you in the "What are your opinions on fellow forumgoers?" thread. I've been meaning to tell you for a looooong time, but this seems like the best opportunity to tell you.)
    Yes, it is.

    I usually wake up at 12:15-12:00.

    This is what happens when you don't get up to go to public school.
    Somewhat? I can't see when else I'm emotional. I'm pretty much only emotional when I'm... rambling about how much something in my life sucks.

    Seems like it'll take a while, if you're only on a. I did you though.
    ...I'm still going to hold you to that.

    Lucky! D: I probably won't be getting one at all. And why aren't you going to play it?

    I've viewed your assessment of me in the thread. Interesting... I presume you get the whole over-emotional thing from my sporadic and extremely erratic Grrr Thread Emotional Catharsis, huh? I'm trying to break the habit... I pretty much agree with that stuff you've said though, even if some of the finer details make me a little disappointed with myself. And I thank you for the compliments and nice parts.

    I'll probably post an opinion of you as well later. (Spoiler: It'll be a good one, probably!)
    My drawing skills are deformed. I saw your drawing in The Dark Side (creepy music!), it's more proportional x3


    Ha, thanks :3
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