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  • I'll explain to make things easier to understand :sweatdrop:

    When I was 5 and had to go into school, I already knew all the Kindergarten stuff. So my parents wanted to get me into 1st. But the schools wouldn't let me skip at all. So my parents refused to not skip me, and looked for other options. We found cyberschool (yay!) They tested me, then let me skip to the second semester of 1st. This all took up half a school year. I then finished all of 2nd in the half I had left. Meaning I was about 5-6 years old, but starting 3rd grade. I've been ahead two grades. My schoolwork level is currently at 6th grade.

    BUT, if you ask for my records, they'll say "Oh, that kid in 5th grade?" My records are different than my schoolwork level. So I'm always tested at one grade below my intelligence. So basically, I was in a class with the other true 5th graders, and the teachers merged the true 6th graders with our class.

    ...did you follow any of that?
    ...my grade (5th) doesn't. And true, true. However I still don't want to be like that :/

    ...I really don't care at all :/
    ...so this is our new subject?

    To answer: Not necessarily. I was taking some state standardized tests, and we tested with some 8th graders. And when I said hi, they were like "hi..." and then got up, and walked to another 8th grader and started rambling about phones and boys -_- Therefore, I don't look forward to it. The 6th graders behave the same way. Oh look, I've created a giant amount of text. @.@
    :c Aww. Who said it had to be fixed? (And it's only in the sign up forum. So you'll sign up for a Mafia game...)
    Woah that was fast.

    Yeah, but Wargle just...yeah. And now, Sweetie Bell: Best Man
    Glace: Bride's Maid
    Other people: Bystanders and maybe a flower girl and a ring bearer.

    ...wanna be ring bearer?
    ...my sister jumped REALLY HIGH off a chair, was only 2 1/2, and didn't get hurt. I should've explained it there, I kind of typed out my first thoughts though.

    No, did you think I was serious? Look in the one thread though and you'll see the pineapple cake.
    On here: apparently sometime soon.
    In years: That's up to whoever wants to marry me.
    ...are you serious? ...this could potentially be dangerous. The most dangerous thing that happened to anyone here from sleepwalking was when my sister jumped off a chair sleepwalking and hit her face on the floor and was still asleep. She wasn't hurt, though.
    I wasn't about to give up either ^-^

    And now it seems I'm getting married. With pineapple cake :D
    ...Hahaha xD I've never sleepwalked in my entire life O-O My sister has, but she's only like 4. So it's dangerous. ...and my mom cooked once in a sleepwalk state too...whoa.
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