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  • Iff its personal for you, I think I know what your saying now. If not, will you please tell me over PM?
    I probably won't think much of it. Even if I do it's not like I can come kill you or anything.
    S'alright. So do I actually include the weather chaning along with the stage or no?
    WIll do. And what do you mean by put it at the beginning of the next round? Hm? Then what was the point of rolling that RNG? Also, Singing in the Rain is movie. :P
    And how should I do that?

    Arena Notes:
    Arena transformed to beach terrain (Description #3)
    Sand is a bit damp due to the Rain and Water Pulses
    Rain - 3 more rounds

    Allatar’s Counter failed
    Water Pulse confused Allatar
    My damage and energy calculations come from the ASB Calculator at Altered Origin
    Allatar attacked all times despite paralysis
    Allatar became confused due to Water Pulse at the end of the second turn
    Allatar hurt himself due to confusion on the third turn
    I made a reference! ^^

    Next Round:
    KantoBreeder attacks.
    PokémonPartner attacks.
    Someone refs.

    (Will bullet)
    Yes, I noticed that, and don't worry. This is just the last draft before submission. I will put in sprites and such.

    Damage and Energy Calculations:
    Castform’s Flamethrower: 18% Damage, 7% Energy
    Riolu’s Rain Dance: 7% Energy

    Castform’s Water Pulse: 12% Damage, 5% Energy, Confused Riolu
    Riolu’s Counter: 0% Damage, 4% Energy

    Castform’s Water Pulse: 12% Damage, 5% Energy
    Riolu’s Self-Damage: 4% Damage, 2% Energy
    He hurt himself T-T Trainer's?

    Round Three End:
    Riolu <Steadfast>
    Health: 42%
    Energy: 71%
    Status: “He’s like the weatherman…” Simply irritated.
    [PARALYZED – Moderate (3 more rounds)]
    [CONFUSED – Moderate (3 more rounds)]

    Pokémon Partner
    Castform <Forecast>
    Health: 88%
    Energy: 69%
    Status: “This is fun!” Singing in the Rain.
    Because it was continuously raining, the Castform decided its trainers order was logical and began to prepare another ball of water such as before. Once the Riolu across the arena saw the pulse of H2O rush across the stadium towards him, it braced itself for impact. Once the tide had withdrew and seeped into the ground, Allatar began to focus his energy into his right hand. Once the hand was pulsing with power, he rushed with celerity towards the Castform to swipe that grin off of its face with a punch. However, his dizziness suddenly appeared once more along his stride which caused him to tumble over a pile of seashells upon the sand. Crap… Allatar thought as the short referee fluttered his flags to signal the round’s end.
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