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  • Oops! Thanks for pointing that out! Next!

    Allatar facepalmed as the Castform began its next attack. Using the weather to its advantage once more, the creature formed a ball of water in front of itself. In a heartbeat, the Castform forced the ball onto the ground which released a pulse of water throughout the arena. Well, let’s just counter this thing! The Riolu stated in his mind. He placed his hands towards the coming water. Once again, the Riolu was no match, as he was helplessly dragged along with the remaining tides caused by the move. Allatar’s counterattack had failed. Oh, come on! You’re making this too easy! the Castform smirked, still unharmed. As the Riolu regained its stance, he could not help but notice that he felt a bit dazed and dizzy.

    I am not sure what Counter actually looks like, so that's why I may have erred there.
    First attacks:

    The little referee waves the flags with his stubby arms to begin the third round of the match. As the Castform abruptly stopped its snickering due to this action, she began to heat her body up a bit, and this was no challenge since the arena had adjusted to her favor. Powered a bit more due to the harsh sunlight, the floating creature released a blast of fire toward her helpless opponent. Shocked by the sight, Allatar stood still in fear as the burning flames reached his vulnerable skin. The Riolu was knocked onto his back easily, and the Castform could not help but grin at his misery. Well, this simply cannot do Allatar thought. Obeying his command, he performed a little dance; first he discoed, then tangoed by himself (somehow), and ended it with a little jig. The clouds above seemed to enjoy this little dance, and so rain was released upon the arena. Ha! Let’s see that Flamethrower work as well as before! the Riolu thought. His relief was short-lived; the opposing Castform had changed its own body to match the weather. Again.
    Alright. I'll just do moderate since it's a side effect. Almost done, I'll post bit by bit fo your evaluation.
    Ah, alright. It was something I randomly made, really. Also there's that album with the banner if you need. And I made some for others (I'm making banners for all my friends, oh yes) and I think yours came out the best.
    Glad you like it! :3 The font could've been a better color, though. GIMP is evil when it comes to text...
    Oh, Superbird, I made a random banner for you that I hope you like! :3

    Oh, and how do you determine whether an ailment is severe, moderate, etc.?
    Alright. So does each attack count as one turn, or does each round count as one turn for weather moves such as Rain Dance?
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