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  • XD That's alright, really. Most of my memory is taken up by Pokemon sprites, anyway. And GIMP refuses to work with me here DX
    ...the cover is the only picture in it now XD I'm working on more, all made in GIMP (which is a pain to animate in.)
    I know. I read her reffings. :D And I started doing a bit of animation, if you haven't seen the one pic album.
    Welcome ^^

    No, I should rewrite it, I think most of the calculations are wrong. And Squorn had some nitpicks that I'm trying to pay heed to.
    So now I have about... maybe a day and a half to write seven prompts (not actually as hard as it sounds).

    Yaaaay honors English.
    That reffing was really good, I really think you might cut it for Advanced level!!!
    I'm sorry I took so long. I'll go read it now, Superbird! And that would be the most fun everrrr
    Oh, so you know how I had to write that essay?

    I got into class today, and I find out that the whole thing needed to be in Times New Roman font, 12 point with double spacing. Guess what? My essay was in Calibri (the default for my computer) 11 point (yet another default) and single spacing.

    So, my teacher gives us until the end of the day to give it to him. Nice, right? Well, this is my third period class. My study is my seventh period class. So here I am in the Library, furiously typing, like "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" to myself. I got it done in time, but it was just awful. I never want to do that again. /ever/.
    True. But it would be cool if we saw each otherrr so I don't care. I obviously don't know how college works :P
    ..it would be the coolest thing ever if somehow we ended up meeting each other at college somehow XD

    Good luck to you!!!

    I need to rewrite my reffing since it's awful.
    I'm the sort of outgoing kid that goes "Hiya kid!" So...I don't know what I'll be like then, a long time from now, but yeah, I should. TOO FAR AWAY IN LIFE DX
    Well, I'm a bit used to it. Internet friends are just what I have to make-do with. Not that I don't like you or anything, but yeah, they don't really cut it...

    ...Possibly. Uhm, to be honest, not really. :sweatdrop: Blame my mom.
    And besides, there's a higher risk that an Internet friend could just want to get on your good side and searches for you and murders you?
    ...I'm morbid :/
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