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  • Well, after spending the last like seven minutes as if they were an hour and a half, I think I've got it. If you still want to look at it though, I could give it to you.
    I have this essay due tomorrow, and the last one/two sentences are killing me. I'll be up all night writing it, if I absolutely have to, but at this point I just want it done.

    not to mention I didn't get my math homework done this evening (about twenty or so questions, ans math is my second period), as someone commandeered my calculator (and I never got it back, even though I trust this person) because they didn't wish to brave inverse trig functions with theirs and I still have like seven prompts to write for English, which is due Monday or Tuesday next week, I forget right now.

    But the essay is more important right now.
    Okay. I think I'll study it for now and try later...;-; something's happened that uhm...well, read my conversation with Blade and Silver.
    Oh, not that...I don't understand the meaning of "round of a move" part, and what do I do when they say RNG? I know what it stands for, and does that mean I randomly select...? Read the Referee HQ thread, Novice mock battle to see what I mean...
    ...I wanted to do the Novice level mock, buuut I don't know how to calculate the weather numbers...?
    My thoughts exactly.

    And I am also of that opinion.

    Does it take money to try reffing the battle?
    I made a joke "(somenumberhere)-(samenumber)-0. Hard math. *kidding." And later he was like "First of all, you aren't patient nor mature enough. Second, simple math makes your head hurt."

    Hm. I'll go look.
    Ah. I should try being a ref, although Lord of the Fireflies'll object. How do I apply? o.o
    Oh. XD

    Yeah. Yes I do. I am capable of the math, but I would get sick of it after awhile. Which wouldn't be good since I'm trying to finish school math.
    Yes, I know I'm impatient.

    You play piano? I play violin. Sometimes.

    Why. I'm fine with math, though. And I sorely want to learn to write good worthwhile scripts.

    A conversation of yours ^^
    ...Why the absence? Anyhow, answers to the questions in the last two VMs of mine would be appreciated ^^ And this one too. About the absence.
    ...you got infracted for spamming involving a puffin picture? From Karkat? ME TOO Although it wasn't my first.
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