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  • [looks about half a second away from slugging you repeatedly with a blunt object.]

    Just -- just take what you want and go away.
    [eye twitches.]

    Move over a little, you're standing too close to Leichtenstein.
    Well, hurry up and get out. [removes gun from your dangerously close person.]
    [21:22.32] » Midnight [Midnight@B92F915A.765903D9.9411A3F5.IP] has quit [Quit: You turned my /what/ into a /what/?!]
    [21:22.32] » surskitty [surskitty@rox-1CA4B48A.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: and with that happy note, I'm taking your wallet with me]
    Seeing as when the English language was first made internet fandom didn't exist, I'm not surprised people have chosen random puncuation for certain new meanings. Whether I put 'TCoD!jerks' or 'TCoD-jerks', it won't change a damn thing and I don't want it to, anyway. If people don't use the exclamation mark in a new perfectly innocent, harmless usage, they'll choose another poor defenseless piece of punctuation to use, won't they?

    Degrading the meaning? Anyone using something like 'TCoD!jerks' will probably know that the exclamation mark is also used for a variety of other meanings, and don't consider it to degrade. And if anyone does, they're an idiot to my eyes, frankly. Pretty much everyone knows what I would have meant whichever I used - even you, despite believing I should have used something else - and I think it's completely harmless.
    So you're saying I should go and replace TCoD!jerks with something like TCoD-jerks for the reason that it would be exactly the same? Or rather that I should have done that to begin with?

    To me, TCoD!jerks, TCoD-jerks and jerks from TCoD pretty much all mean the same thing. So to me, it doesn't really matter which one I put, whether the one I put fits with the original usage of the punctuation or not.
    It's not wrong. People use a forwardslash to denote a pairing, when really a forwardslash means 'or' (as well as other usages). It's the exact same thing here.

    Oh, the hilarity.
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