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  • trung tâm tiếng anh thành lập công ty tổng đài tư vấn pháp luật học kế toán tại bắc ninh nhạc sàn im camera mảnh khảnh kia lại càng run rẩy càng thêm dữ dội hơn trước rất nhiều, giống hệt như một đứa bé hồn nhiên bị thương tổn nặng nề về mặt cảm tình vậy, không ngừng nhảy đổng lên liên hồi, phẫn nộ hét lớn:

    - Tôi đương nhiên là có năng lực tiếp đất lên mặt đất của Tinh cầu Mặc Hoa rồi, chẳng lẽ cậu lại còn không hiểu nổi năng lực của tiểu gia tôi hay sao? Chỉ cần có thể phá hủy đi bốn chiếc Phi thuyền Chiến hạm Liên Bang, tôi tuyệt đối có thể thoải mái mà dễ dàng đem đám bộ đội rác rưởi các người tiếp nhận lên!

    Thanh âm của Phỉ Lợi Phổ vào thời khắc này đột nhiên
    Nightmare kind of died. The reason Dedede broke up the Star Rod in the first place was because with Nightmare inside he couldn't place it in the Fountain of Dreams without him escaping. If he didn't die that would have derailed the plot just a bit.
    Well, here you go. They just released 19 screenshots of the site-in-progress, so along with the screenies from older updates, that should give you an idea.
    Dunno, really. Well, have you heard of vPetsite? Once they open up v3 I'm going to start a petsite there, which will be my second. They're really close to releasing it, and it's going to be highly community (I should probably say 'TCoD' XP) based. I don't want to reveal the rest, though. Gonna be big!
    (It's not your computer. TCoD's server gives out a lot.)

    Four, actually. But yeah. :3
    I have a Kimeramon. I once wanted a MoonMillenniumon for my team, but I never got around to it and that's as far as I got.
    Argh, Access Glacier is annoying, I know. >< I've beaten the game twice (in fact, I just completed the Legendary Tamer quest today), and that one still gives me trouble. I'd dig up a walkthrough if I were you.

    By the way, what is your team right now? Mine: BantyoLeomon, BlackWarGreymon, Duftmon, ChaosGallantmon, GranKuwagamon, MarineAngemon.
    I fought him anyway, just for experience. He is a tough boss fight, though. It took a few tries. Or was that Merukimon...? I probably had trouble on both. :P
    There are still a few Digimon I don't know about. I've been into Digimon for about a year now, too. DX There are just so many!

    Oh yeah, and VictoryGreymon and Chronomon Holy Mode. I know I said I'd stop, but... but... they so badly needed a mention! XP
    And Zanbamon too~ I could go on and on, but it's probably best that I don't. XP
    At first I didn't know what Digimon you were talking about, but I hadn't known what Valdurmon's Japanese name was until now, so. The names sure do get mixed up.

    ZeedMillenniumon? I prefer MoonMillenniumon, but he's awesome too.
    As soon as you get an account (or have you?), I'll click yours~

    By the way, remember me saying my favorite Digimon was BlackWarGreymon? Well, that's changed. It first changed to Ryudamon, then Kotemon, and now it's Greymon, just like it was before the BWGreymon obsession. XP I can never make up my mind.
    I'm not normally a fan of the standard 'click adoptable, adoptable grows' sites, at least, not anymore, but this site's alright. It requires a bit of patience if you're, like, one of two people who clicks your Digimon daily, but there are some people on here who, if you click their's everyday, they'll click yours. So it's sort of teamwork. :P
    By the way, have you seen this site? You seem to like adoptables, so you'd probably like the site.
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