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  • Hihihi~ I see you got my invitation to the Meta Knight Fan Club. 'Aholic let me become the group's maintainer, so.
    For some reason I was under the impression that anyone who was a member could send invites. Looks like you'll have to ask 'Aholic for an invite. Hopefully he'll see my complaint about the invite thing in said club.

    *cough* Wait... my spell checker says that's a word. O_o Um. But only if it's in capitals for some weird reason.

    I'll send you an invite to Pokemonaholic's Meta Knight social group, btw. Just hang on a moment.
    The sky. Obviously. Though for you and I it's the ceiling, and much further past the sky it's space.
    The stalker bit was a bit irrelevant considering you post-ninja'd me, but whatever. I have a habit of stalking peoples profiles. There are some people who could very well have half of their pageviews from me. That or I'm exaggerating. XP
    Mmhm. He's an example of a Fan Newcomer, which is basically an otherwise original character as a species from a certain series. The other kind of Newcomer is an Established Newcomer, which is, as the name suggests, an already-established character from any given series, such as Exo-Raikou's Mecha Sonic.
    Well, actually, there is one human character, but still.

    Um... ideas? I wouldn't know, it's your character, not mine. Just look down the list of SSB characters in the first post if you aren't doing a newcomer.
    Pah, that's what I thought. Nobody wants to be a human and everyone (well, not everyone) needs a human partner for their character. :P But fortunately, you can play two characters.
    So... who do you think you'll be playing? Or what, since you have a choice between humans and denizens of the Smash world.
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