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  • Hopefully it won't be like that in the actual RPing. Separate paragraphs are ftw (and generally a good idea in long posts, so they're easier to read).
    Well, it takes a bit of getting used to, but it's a lot like writing fiction. Like I said, it should grow on you.
    Wut. I don't hate you. *hides knife behind back* Like I said on GTS+, there's still Rift in the Dimensions you could play Meta Knight in.

    Linky-linky. If you're really running out of ideas for characters you could always play a human.
    *nudges Suzuki* The new Super Smash Bros. RP is up. Y'know, the one I was talking about on GTS+. Wanna join?
    Thankfuly my schools pretty lax about the drawing thing, as long as I'm not drawing when I should be working.
    Or when the teacher is talking.. X3
    Yeah, I learned that the hard way..

    Teacher: [Notory], what are you doing? =_=
    Me: Drawing a wolf! Wanna see? :D
    Teacher: *groans* Demeret. No drawing while the teacher is talking.
    Me: Oh... :< *puts away her picture*

    Then everybody laughed at my naivety. -.-;;
    When you wern't suposed to?
    Ha, you were finished with your work and instead of reading you drew? X3
    Also, lol about that stalker Pokeguy. XD
    But I must say, I do really like your drawing of Giratina. It's nice and neat.
    I think what Notoriously Unknown means by "artist" is her kind of art, which is done using a more sophisticated program than, say, MS Paint. I don't consider myself a (digital) artist because I can only really pencil sketch and I have no tablet, so.
    It's fine. You get a pass because you didn't know. ^.^
    If you forget, though, you have no excuse and I get a free pass to use all caps. ;D
    Meesh, I have nothing to say again. ;_;

    Maybe if we bump into each other in some random thread we'll have something to talk about...~
    Ah, okay...

    Sorry, terrible at making conversation topics... -.-;;;
    Great! X3 So...
    I have no idea what to say. And do you know what happens when I have no idea what to say?
    Both if you please.
    I know for a fact that mouse drawins tend to be a lot different than penicil drawings.
    I have a tablet, but in the past I didn't.
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