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  • Oh well. I know how you feel, I sometimes get lazy spells with sprites too.

    I notice you haven't been posting much. Here are a few threads you may be interested in: The Super Smash Bros. RP Planning Comittee, The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit, The GPX+ Fan Club, Rift in the Dimensions/OoC

    There! :3
    Why hello there. I'm Notory, I don't bite. X3
    I luffs your avie. Did you make it? 8D

    Sorry, it's just that it would be awesome to find another artist on here. :33
    It's not bad. I can see you used parts from Garurumon's DS/Dawn/Dusk sprite, and while generally that's a bad idea in disguises because often they won't fit the sprite's style, it turned out okay. In future, though, you should probably scratch those portions.
    If Kirby can eat all those Waddle Doos without getting sick, then I hardly think a few parasites will do anything. Besides, in the words of Kirby from The Smash Dojo RP, "Dun have to be so mean about it!" That RP's dead now, but I'm sure you'd get a kick out of reading it. X3

    Oh, I have to go to bed now. See you tommorrow, then!
    I know. XD But, he tends get what's coming in the manga. He's such a bully! ;_;
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who found that funny. XD B-but... Meta Knight, what makes you think that? D: Kirby's "fufufu"ing in the backround looking adorable and you think he's going to eat-- oh, snap...
    Well, I've got two examples here: Mewtwo/Renamon, Charmander/Guilmon

    Favorite Digimon? I like a lot of them, but my favorite would have to be BlackWarGreymon. What about yours?
    Sure, go ape. XD Um, let's see... how would you feel about doing a Digimon/Pokemon disguise? I myself used to do them a lot. Blaziken/Garudamon, if you'd like?
    Ah, I see~ But you know what? I've been trying to get back into spriting anyways, so I'm going to try making a Giratina/Furret splice. You can use it/not use it as you please once it's done.
    Suzuki!! *tackle-glomps* Got an avatar yet? I can splice somewhat decently, I could make you somethin'.
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