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Sweet Silver Nightmare

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  • (...yep, I see that I've been welcomed in. Now to think of a good Pokemorph...)

    Taillow *is suspicious of this show off, but hops closer nontheless.*
    (Yes, yes it does ^^ Also I asked to reserve a place in your RP if you don't mind.)

    Taillow: *sees that small beckoning tail waving and begins to hop over.*
    Taillow: *is sad realizing that this Pokemon wants to be left alone, and perches herself on a nearby rock to wait.*
    *Swift tries to keep her excitment in as to not scare Empress, and gently shakes the small paw with her talons.*
    *Swift hovers a few inches away from you and Empress, realizing why Empress is so shy.*

    Well, it's understandable what with the type weaknesses and all....
    *My Taillow, Swift, lets herself out of her Poke ball and lets out a cheerful chirp as she perches on your neck next to Empress.*
    *Aqaggle heavily disapproves of this fighting and tries to talk to both of them before going over to her Poke Ball and pushes the button with her tail to let herself in...*

    But kind of amusing, no?
    *Aquaggle hears the whimpers of Kalona, leaps out of the pond, and tries to break up the fight.*

    ...no, I'm making up weird things xD

    *Aquaggle is terrified of everything now and waddles off into a small pond a few mere feet away.*

    Aquaggle, come back!
    *Kalona is about to annihilate Aquaggle with Hydro CANNON when Empress explains everything, and Aquaggle jumps on my shoulder very scared.*
    (True, true. It can use Vine Whip! XD)

    *Aquaggle licks your face, Sylva. And then dances on your neck before jumping off.*

    (I just called you Sylva, up there ;) )
    (I know. And Jalorda most of all.)

    *Aquaggle uses Rain Dance again and starts swishing her little tail around*

    Fwee, they're friendly friends like in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon! :3
    (Probably yes.) *Aquaggle turns around and shakes her tail with Empress' leafpaw/thing.*
    *Aquaggle is confused as to why Empress is using that move now of all times, and uses Brick Break to destroy the barrier. Aquaggle thinks she did a very nice thing.*
    *Aquaggle is sad that his new friend is roasted, and uses Hydro CANNON-wait, Poliwag can't learn Hydro Cannon! Whatever. Volcana is K.O'd!*
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