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Sweet Silver Nightmare

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  • I was talking about having Volcana get Empress xD

    *is about to help out when I get smacked in the face with ANOTHER piece of plywood*
    I saw it, actually. I would join but I suck at RPs badly.

    GAH AW COME ON POKEMON! (oh, good choice.)
    I won't, I guess. *Aquaggle decides to be a prankster and uses Surf* Gosh darn it, we're being swept away!
    I saw your signature. And you're welcome. Although I might fix up my signature sometime.
    Oh, and you don't need to make an ASB profile now -_- The one on your User Profile IS the ASB profile.
    Hahahaha :3

    I waited from the time I posted that message, which was 1:13 PM EST, so about an hour.
    *Aquaggle licks Empress and uses a weak Hydro Pump and makes a puddle of water, so that Empress can have a drink*

    ...they're friends now ^^
    Thanks ^^
    Now you have a worthwhile sig banner! Yay!

    *Aquaggle jumps just out of Empress' reach, and hits her with Hydro Pump.*
    *Aquaggle is cut all over, and wants REVENGE. She uses Bubble, slowing down Empress.*

    Haha, I forgot too XD
    It's done, here! (I'll post it in an album too.)
    *Aquaggle is surprised and takes a step back, and then uses Hydro Pump blowing away Empress.*

    Almost done with the banner! ^^
    *Aquaggle feels tired, but manages a weak Tackle.*

    ^^ Glad you like the idea. I'm working on it, but it's going fine so far.
    *Aquaggle somehow misses Empress by a few inches, luckily.*

    I make one for every new member, I just never give it to them :/ I forget. Although if I'm talking about it, I'll remember ^^
    *Aquaggle uses Dig.*

    I already have one for you, so I'll post it here in a bit ^^ I make banners as soon as I see new people.
    I can make some ^^ That's why I was asking.
    *Aquaggle uses Ice Ball twice and it is stronger on the second time*
    Aw c'mon!!
    *Aquaggle just barely dodges every leaf but one and gets cut. She uses Hypnosis, and Empress begins to snooze.*

    Oh yeah, do you want any banners for your sig at all?
    *Taillow is struck by a few of the flames, but uses its last bit of energy to peck Volcana and is K.O'd. I send out Aquaggle, who is a POLIWAG >:D Aquaggle uses Surf on Volcana.*

    Great, we have agreement ^^
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