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Sweet Silver Nightmare

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  • Taillow: *It's fine~ NOW PLAYTIME! 8D"
    Joltik: *:/ I don't want to hold GRUDGES, so welcome back! Haii~*
    Joltik: *is feeling all warm and snuggly :D*
    Taillow: *is being very welcoming to Empress :3*
    Ah. It's fine, probably better as I can't really contradict canon if it's not there.
    joltik: *Smiles and shakes Volcana's claw/foot and then crawls up next to Volcana and nuzzles.*
    Okay. I kinda figured so, it's kind of more of an ingame aspect isn't it? And how does evolving work, if it does?
    Joltik: *is happy that Empress seems to be friendly :D is still somewhat scared of Volcana, but crawls over to Volcana and holds out her claw*
    In this RP, will our characters be able to use attacks, level up or evolve? (Just asking here, I'm considering a shedinja character that was once a ninjask morph, but not really all tied to that idea.)
    Oh. Yeah.

    Taillow: *Swift quickly lets go of Empress, and flutters up onto the windowsill.*
    Joltik: *Staticspidera is still freaked out, but wants to be friendly. She gets out of her cocoon, and lifts a small blue claw intending to shake hands/paws/thingies.*
    ..what do you mean by let go?

    *Staticspidera is scared of Volcana the Fire-type, and spins a small cocoon and goes inside for protection.*
    Taillow: *her eyes open and close, and she begins to wake up. Swift nudges me to get me to release another Pokemon from a Poke Ball. I let Staticspidera the Joltik out of her Poke Ball, and she crawls on top of the ceiling.*
    Taillow: *sees the sleeping leaf snake, and nuzzles up more just before falling asleep as well. She likes the leafy blanket, too.*

    ...this could get boring...cute, but what should we do with sleeping Pokemon?
    Taillow: *is happy that Empress appears to like her little song, and nuzzles up against her leafy body in gratitude all while continuing her song.*

    Sorry I took so long. I got my form in.
    Taillow: *begins to wrap her wings around the small leaf snake and begins to sing a song~*
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